The National Museum of Natural History celebrates the Nature Festival on Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26, 2024

The National Museum of Natural History celebrates the Nature Festival on Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26, 2024
The National Museum of Natural History celebrates the Nature Festival on Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26, 2024

The Museum is offering a program of free activities on several of its sites for the Nature Festival on May 25 and 26. Associations, gardeners, artists and experts naturalists come together to offer young and old alike opportunities to discover the biodiversity that surrounds us. Workshops, guided tours, shows, initiation participatory science and other activities are on the program for these two exceptional days.

At the Plant Garden

The Nature Festival program promises many discoveries at the heart of the Museum’s worlds. In this edition, participatory sciences will be in the spotlight. For example, the
The public will be able to learn more about the hidden life of earthworms, woodlice and snails through the participatory science program QUBS (Observatory of Soil Biological QUALITY). He
will also be able to meet pollinators thanks to other Vigie-Nature observatories, or Parisian crows, familiar from our urban landscape…
Numerous visits will allow visitors to discover the seed factory, a secret place which contains one of the most beautiful collections of fruits and seeds in France and Europe, the sculptures of the Great Labyrinth with a curator from the Museum library, the apiary , usually closed to the public, in the company of gardeners-beekeepers, or the oldest tree
du Jardin, through a journey into the past…
Shows will invite families to follow the bird singers in the Garden for a whistled stroll, rich in chirps and warbles, or to listen to the musical tale,
poetic and joyful, Osmia the wild bee. The public will thus have access to a multitude of fun activities, guided by experts.

At the Paris Zoological Park

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the reopening of the Paris Zoological Park, the public is invited to celebrate nature around the Park and to meet the fascinating species that inhabit our streets
and our gardens. Young and old are invited to an unforgettable encounter with spiders in the company of a specialist from the Museum, to rediscover the bats of our cities and our
countryside, or to get to know the lizards, snakes and amphibians of the Ile-de-France region. They will also be able to attend a show which will take place in a tree, in the company of the
Professor Ernest Brun and his assistant to become knowledgeable about photosynthesis!

The Versailles-Chèvreloup Arboretum

A vast natural and landscaped space housing an abundant collection of trees, the Arboretum will open its doors free of charge for the weekend. Visitors are invited to take part in the walk in connection with the exhibition “Miam-Miam, Glou-Glou, trees and food” to understand how man uses plants as part of his diet. The public will also be able to discover the Arboretum thanks to a workshop supervised by the mediation team which will reveal all the secrets of the life of trees.

All the practical information about the Fête de la Nature online on

Useful information

Avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris.



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