Original creation: “At the end of the road there is Saint-Jean” to discover on guyane.la1ere.fr!

Engaged in the media and information education system, Guyana the 1time renews its partnership with Pôle Maroni Image. Discover the “Saint-Jean and its cinema” collection on the website guyane.la1ere.fr and the La 1 applicationtime. To view the collection click here

Every year, director Hugo Rousselin leads writing and directing workshops with young people from Saint-Jean. Over the past 10 years we can count around thirty productions ranging from documentaries to fiction to animated films.

The “Passeurs d’Images” system is primarily aimed at young audiences, young adults, who have difficulty accessing certain cinematographic practices. Passeurs d’Images brings together its audiences around territorial actions which favor the active participation of populations, the articulation between “seeing” and “doing”, between diffusion and practice, and which evolve over the course of technological innovations.

Guyana 1time joins forces with the Pôle Image Maroni and the Libacadabra association to broadcast 5 of these audiovisual productions:

  • At the end of the road there is Saint-Jean – Documentary film
  • Aminata and the Last of the Dinosaurs – Animated film
  • The girl who lived between two worlds – Fiction
  • Bouï – Fiction
  • Nenseki – Fiction

At the end of the road there is Saint-Jean

Very close to Saint-Laurent du Maroni in Guyana there is Saint-Jean, little known. The children decide to tell the story of their village in the form of a documentary.

Aminata and the last of the dinosaurs

In South America, in a country called Guyana and in a region called Maroni, lives the last of the dinosaurs. He’s a dinosaur that eats women and they’re all afraid of him, except Aminata.

This frame-by-frame animated film was produced as part of a practical cinematographic workshop of the Passeurs d’Images system, with a group of children from the village of Saint-Jean in Saint-Laurent du Maroni in Guyana.

The girl who lived between two worlds

A young girl’s minks lead her to discover part of the history of her village.

This film was produced as part of a Passeurs d’Images workshop with the Libacadabra association in partnership with Atelier Vidéo & Multimédia Speakers: Hugo Rousselin, director. Description: The young people worked in groups with Hugo Rousselin to write the script, this allowed them to understand that the script is the starting point for making a film. They put together a technical team, prepared the shoot, and carried out casting. There were 8 days of preparation and filming. The filming period is always a strong moment for involving young people. It is during this time that they really realize the amount of work involved in making a film and that they become aware of the technical division of the script.


The “boui” is a magical object from Bushinengue culture which protects and gives strength. A group of young children finds a boui on the beach of La Charbonnière. This discovery will take them on funny adventures.

Hugo Rousselin and his team of young directors are trying their hand at comedy, still in an “image passer” workshop in 2022.


This film takes us directly into the Bushinengue culture, which is still very much alive today. Nenseki means “reincarnation”: Cadi finds a ring, stolen by her grandmother a long time ago. To repair the damage, she decides to bring it back to its owners, on Portal Island.

This film is a collaboration between director Hugo Rousselin and young people from Saint-Jean.




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