VIDEO. “Hello dear friends!” The France Inter 1,000 euros game stopped in a village in the Gers

the essential
This Thursday, May 23, 220 people gathered in Montesquiou (600 souls) in Gers to attend the recording of five broadcasts of the famous “1,000 Euro Game” from France Inter. They will be broadcast from June 10 to 14 on the radio.

The “Banco! Banco!” or other “Great! Great!” resonated in the Gers. This Thursday, May 23, strike day at Radio France, Nicolas Stoufflet was indeed present in Montesquiou: “I cannot thank my technicians for not going on strike. But I thank them for their work which makes it possible to record these episodes “, greets the host in the introduction.

In the House of Free Time, 220 people fill the chairs for the recording of the cult France Inter show: “The 1000 Euro Game”. Microphone with red windshield in front of his lips, Nicolas Stoufflet launches his legendary reply: “Hello dear friends!” Enthusiastic, the public responds.

France Inter recorded its broadcasts in a packed Le Temps Libre room in Montesquiou.

On the spectator side, we are stamping our feet: “I’m a big fan, I’ve been listening to the show since my earliest childhood. I came with family, friends, neighbors,” says Jeanne, who won a “banco” during the last stage of the show in the Gers 9 years ago.

The host begins the selections and the first questions arise: “What is the name of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in England?” “Where do the Appameans live?” The candidates are selected to appear as a duo on the show and try to glean the sum of 1,000 euros. In total, five shows were recorded: four with adults and one with children.

Amandine Petit is one of the lucky ones selected. At the end of the recording, she made the hour and a half drive profitable: “My mother is a big fan so we came from Agen. I came to watch as a spectator and then, on a whim , I registered and I was selected.” Obviously, getting behind the microphone didn’t leave him unmoved: “It’s very stressful. At home, we tell ourselves that we know everything and then when we’re on stage, with the whole audience, that’s not the case. “It’s not the same thing”, smiles Amandine.

“Beautiful atmosphere here in Monstesquiou”

Yoan Lacroix, also selected, will only remember the positive: “It was nice, a little stressful but very friendly, it’s a very good experience”. The Auscitain still admits to having had success during the selection: “There was a question whose answer was Morocco and I was there on vacation two weeks ago!”, laughs. he. In the room, a lot of conviviality but also a touch of bad faith: “Oh it’s simple, I had that one!”, we hear ironically.

The technical team visited the village for a day.

The children also had the right to their fifteen minutes of fame. It is Tristan and Gaspard who were selected to form the duo for the show which will air on June 12. The last one expressed his joy before being recorded: “I’ve known the game since I was little but I didn’t know how the recording worked. I’m very happy! I was expecting high level questions (sic) , they were difficult but it worked out”, humbly explains the schoolboy, who qualified in first position.

At the end of the recordings, Nicolas Stoufflet, as dynamic as ever, gives his impressions of the Gers public: “Beautiful atmosphere here in Monstesqiou, with a full house and very lively”, he says before finishing with a joke: “In Plus, we didn’t spend too much money!” The recorded shows will be broadcast June 10-14. “If there is no strike!” concludes the host ironically.



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