“Orne is a little France”: police boss, Julien Daubigny leaves the department


Antoine Sauvetre

Published on

May 24, 2024 at 1:52 p.m.

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After 18 months at the helm of the Orne policecurator Julien Daubigny leaves office in the department to join Dreux (Eure-et-Loir), where he will occupy the position of district head.

If his functions in Orne officially end on Friday May 31, the Departmental Director of the National Police (DDPN) was warmly thanked by the prefect of OrneSébastien Jallet, during a ceremony in the salons of the prefecture, Thursday May 23, 2024.

230 “dedicated” police officers in Orne

In front of an audience made up of representatives of the Gendarmerie, firefighters, Justice, but also local elected officials and traders, “it is with a heavy heart that I leave you,” commented the boss of the 230 police officers and agents that the institution has in the department.

The DDPN is in charge of security in the three districts of Alençon (37,000 inhabitants), Flers (23,000 inhabitants) and Argentan (14,000 inhabitants), “i.e. over a quarter of the population of Ornes and facing around a third of the delinquency observed in the department,” recalled the prefect.

Commissioner Julien Daubigny alongside Colonel Pierre-Olivier Benech, boss of the Orne gendarmes. ©L’Orne Hebdo

Appointed to Orne in November 2022 from Caen, where he was head of departmental security, Julien Daubigny praised the work of his colleagues, “present on all fronts” and “devoted to the freedom of the Ornais and Ornaises “.

The police is a vocation with challenges, complex situations which require going into danger, sometimes at the risk of one’s life.

Julien Daubigny

He notably recalled the riots of June 2023, following the death of young Nahel, during which the law enforcement faced “rioters determined to kill the cop”.

The Orne, “reflection of the ills” of France

In Orne, he discovered “a land of water and forest” with “tranquil appearances”, but a department which is “the reflection of the ills of the national territory”.

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Orne is a small France, which has to deal with a certain amount of delinquency, but also drug trafficking which causes unbearable nuisance.

Julien Daubigny

On the fight against drug trafficking, “priority” in the department where a crack plan has been implemented since January 2023, the prefect highlighted the “relentless fight” led by Julien Daubigny and his teams. “2023 will have been a record year in terms of referrals with a 223% increase in cannabis resin referrals compared to 2022, with 24.53 kg seized, and an increase of 1,171% in financial assets seized, with 26,974 €. »

Justice-Police: exemplary “uniqueness” in Alençon

“To disrupt trafficking by shelling deal points”, large-scale police operations were carried out, even before the launch of the Clean Place operations decided by the Ministry of the Interior.

“In 2023, three major operations took place, in February, July and December, with exceptional results: two networks dismantled and 20 people implicated and put out of harm’s way by being placed in pre-trial detention or under a ban on appear in Alençon. »

Julien Daubigny also received the Senate medal, presented by Orne senator Olivier Bitz. ©L’Orne Hebdo

“The fight against drug trafficking and consumption can only work in a partnership dynamic, particularly with the Public Prosecutor’s Office,” noted the prefect.

On this “uniqueness” between Justice and the Police, Julien Daubigny uses “the Alençon example” as a reference in the matter.

Rénato Cavalleri will be the future police boss in Orne

Described by the prefect as a “number 1 with a calm temperament and very appreciable composure”, Julien Daubigny will be replaced from the 1er July by divisional commissioner Rénato Cavalleri, until then stationed at the General Directorate of the National Police as deputy to the deputy director of resources and mobile means and head of the mobile means division.

While waiting for the arrival of the new DDPN, it is the divisional commissioner Thomas Alvarez, his current deputy, who will act as interim head of the Ornaise police.

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