Outings for the weekend of May 25 and 26, in the North, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium


Le Doudou, in Mons (B)

The meetings follow one another all weekend and turn the city upside down. – Photo Hatim Kaghat / BELGA

The Doudou, a ritual ducasse of Mons, has been listed as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage since 2005. It is to Mons what the carnival is to Rio. Needless to say, the city will be upside down all weekend, especially since the sixth edition of the brass band festival will be held there. All museums will be closed. Thousands of curious people will be in the streets to attend the festivities, the oldest traditions of which date back to the 14th century. Descent of the shrine of Sainte-Waudru, procession, rise of the Car d’or, Combat known as “Lumeçon” are all highlights which move the crowds.
Friday, 9 p.m., Grand-Place, free RTBF concert with Axelle Red, Kid Noize, Alice on the roof. Saturday and Sunday, all day. Detailed program on visitmons.be


Art Deco Day, in Douai

Last days to enjoy the Art Deco Spring. Things are going to swing in Douai.

Last weekend to enjoy the Art Deco Spring. Sunday is Douai Art Deco Day. A dancing event in the city, a parade to the rhythm of swing, carried by the passion of the Roaring Twenties. Musicians and dancers accompanied by a guide will take you on a stroll through the streets of Douai, which will reveal their Art Deco treasures in a joyful atmosphere.
Sunday, 3 p.m.-5 p.m., meet at 70 place d’Armes. Free. springartdeco.fr


Brass’ ton art, in Solesmes

It is the meeting between a historic place and urban arts: painting, dance, concerts...
It is the meeting between a historic place and urban arts: painting, dance, concerts… – Photo La Voix

It is the meeting between street art and a historic place, that of the Abbey brewery. Twenty artists will transform the walls and the brewery of the Abbey into an urban art center open to all. On the program: artistic installations, exhibition and sale of urban art, screen printing, collage, stencils, flash tattoo, free artistic workshops for all, magic garden, street dance. Friday, at 8:30 p.m., Just Red & friends concert and Saturday, at 8 p.m., back to 80’s old-school & dancefloor evening.
Friday, 2 p.m. – 11 p.m. and Saturday, 12 p.m. – 1 a.m., 53-55, rue de l’Abbaye. Free admission.


International garden festival, in Amiens

Among the new works of the 2024 edition, here is the “Aquatique” creation by arch-sculptors Vincent Bredif and Julien Fajardo, to be discovered on the Port à fumier website.
Among the new works of the 2024 edition, here is the “Aquatique” creation by arch-sculptors Vincent Bredif and Julien Fajardo, to be discovered on the Port à fumier website. – Photo Matthieu Botte

Arranged on islets within a natural space of more than 300 hectares, the Amiens hortillonnages, landscaped gardens and plastic installations of this festival form a route of 50 contemporary creations to be discovered on foot, departing from Île aux Fagots , or by boat, departing from the Manure Port, in Camon. Created by visual and landscape artists, sometimes architects, the works can be discovered on a self-guided or guided tour. The boat tour (€23 for two people, €40 for six people) offers a wonderful immersive experience. Until October 13. On foot: every day, 12:30 p.m.-7 p.m., 43 towpath in Amiens. Free. By boat, Port à fumier, 35 rue Roger-Allou in Camon, reservation recommended. Such. : 06 78 53 55 92. artetjardins-hdf.com


Plant days, in Doullens

This weekend the Doullennes Pleasure Garden Days are taking place on the citadel site.
This weekend the Doullennes Pleasure Garden Days are taking place on the citadel site. – photo The Voice

The 37e edition of the Doullennaises Pleasure Garden Days, annual exhibition and sale of plants, has the theme “Dare to be exotic in the garden”. Around sixty nursery growers (from France and Belgium) come to meet a public looking for a plant for the garden, the terrace or the house. On this occasion, visitors discover a large selection of perennials, annuals, roses, grasses, bamboos, irises, aquatic plants, etc. Also present are craftsmen, a beekeeper, sellers of furniture and garden tools, a bookstore and associations. Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m., at the citadel, RN 25. Entrance, €6; 2-day pass, €8, free – 15 years old. jdja.net


Nature and terroir celebrating, in Haillicourt

Shearing is impressive, but it doesn't hurt and it relieves the sheep!
Shearing is impressive, but it doesn’t hurt and it relieves the sheep! -VDN

Everything takes place in the Lampisterie room and in the adjoining park: demonstrations and meetings with experts and enthusiasts will punctuate the weekend. On Saturday, among the 25 expected exhibitors, there will be the urban eco-guards, guardians of natural heritage and the preservation of biodiversity. Sunday, installation of the mini-farm. Sheep shearing, farrier demonstration, basket weaving, etc. Saturday, 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Lampisterie and in its park. Free


Les Jardinades, in Anzin

Plant market, local market, and multiple workshops bring Dampierre Park to life all weekend.
Plant market, local market, and multiple workshops bring Dampierre Park to life all weekend. – Photo Sami Belloumi

Activities with an educational farm, presentation of exotic insects, introduction to archery, story time, games. And a multitude of workshops: kite making, key rings, nest boxes, beekeeping awareness etc. Shows from 2:30 p.m., falconry on Saturday and horses on Sunday. With a market for local products. Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., at Dampierre Park, 25, rue Berthelot. Free. anzin.fr


The Sigebert festivals, in Lambres-lez-Douai

The Sigebert festivals attract people to the town of Lambres-lez-Douai.
The Sigebert festivals attract people to the town of Lambres-lez-Douai.

This weekend, Lambres-lez-Douai will live to the rhythm of 39e Sigebert festivals, in a carnival atmosphere. There will be a pie competition, a Sigebert treasure hunt. The two giants, Pouchnard and Émilie, will take the opportunity to get married. Saturday, Sigebert treasure hunt at 9:45 a.m., delivery of pies for the competition from 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. In the afternoon, parade of giants at 3 p.m., followed by the wedding at 5 p.m., dance evening from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday, Sigebert promenade at 10 a.m. and large carnival procession at 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, in the city center. lambrelezdouai.fr


Trait du Nord competition, in Bavay

The Traits du Nord parade on Saturday in Bavay.
The Traits du Nord parade on Saturday in Bavay. – Photo Christophe Lefebvre

Around twenty breeders will participate this Saturday in the Trait du Nord competition, where the morphology and appearance of the horses will be judged. At the same time, demonstrations of horses at work will be on the day’s program. The highlight of the show will remain the Trait du Nord horse competition. The latter will pass various tests which will be judged by experts. One category will concern young horses who will have to pass several obstacles on a defined course. The tracked and non-tracked mares will take part in tests this time having as criteria, morphology and pace. Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., in the pasture located opposite the vocational high school, rue de la Chaussée in Bavay. Free.


Medieval and fantastic festival in Quiévrechain

The Aunelle de Quiévrechain park is hosting the fourth edition of the Medieval and Fantasy Festival with combat demonstrations, a falconry show, a Razel the witch puppet show, and lots and lots of Vikings! With a fireworks show offered by the Horde of Emeriass at the edge of the pond, Saturday, at 10 p.m. Orcs and goblins will be wandering around the park.
Saturday, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Parc de l’Aunelle, rue de l’Abattoir.


Name Festival, in Oignies

The electro music event of the Art Point M collective, the Name Festival, is moving this weekend to the 9-9Bis site in Oignies. On the program for Saturday: 6EJou hybrid live, APM001, Blac, Cassie Raptor, etc. Sunday, concerts all day, giant yoga session at 11:15 a.m., visits to the mining site (paid) at 2 p.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m., games for children, manual badge-making workshops…
Saturday, 12 p.m.-midnight and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on the site of 9-9 Bis, chemin du Tordoir. Saturday, €20/17, then €26/23 from 3 p.m. Sunday, free. 9-9bis.com


Soap box race, in Sebourg

This fourth edition plans to cross the center of the village over a distance of 550 meters, for a difference in altitude of more or less 21 meters, or an average slope of 3.8%, with more than 40 cars registered on the starting line. On the program: presentation of the cars in the Samuel-Paty parking lot from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Machine control, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Start of the races at 1:30 p.m. with the child category (7 to 14 years old), then the adult category (14 to 99 years old).
Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. center of the village.


Video-mapping, in Béthune

The Video Mapping Festival is back in Béthune with a new route. Discover the new creations on the facades of Labanque, the Béthune-Bruay tourist office, in the monumental courtyard of the Blaringhem high school, on the remarkable facade of the Town Hall, and a painting and video mapping exhibition in the heart of the Saint-Vaast church, as well as a captivating circus and video mapping performance.
Saturday, 10 p.m.-12:30 a.m.videomappingfestival.com


Operation Dynamo, in Dunkirk

The Les Oubliés de l’histoire association, in collaboration with the Dunkirk Maritime and Port Museum, is organizing a historical reconstruction. Around fifty history buffs set up camp at the Risban lighthouse. Visitors can access the lighthouse and period presentations will be made throughout the weekend. At the foot of the lighthouse, exhibition of collected objects and archives.
Saturday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., route de l’écluse Watier. Free exhibition, climb of the lighthouse €2. dunkerque-tourisme.fr


Pride march and foam party, in Lens

This is almost a first since the last edition, in 2018, was not renewed. This festival claims “thefreedom of sexual orientations and gender identities “. Community village, drag queen show, concerts and of course colorful procession. At the end of the afternoon, foam party, organized by the municipality, on the neighboring square of the town hall.
Saturday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m., place Jean-Jaurès and in the center. facebook.com/couleurlgbt


The 48 hours of urban agriculture, in Lille

It is a national and free event which celebrates its 9e edition this year. Its objective is to highlight the development of agriculture in the city with local producers and to promote sustainable food. The event comes to life in different areas of Lille, Hellemmes and Lomme, in gardens and urban farms (Saint-Sauveur, Chaud Bouillon in Fives Cail). Cooking workshops, film debates, visits to shared gardens, exhibitions, zero waste and environmental awareness, local farmers’ markets.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. lille.fr


Underground day at the Louvre-Lens

The exhibition “Underground Worlds. 20,000 places under the earth” presents works linked to the underground universe. On Saturday, the Louvre-Lens offers a dive into the heart of this mysterious and subversive world! In partnership with the Aeronef, a conference and a major tribute concert put Moondog, an unclassifiable and little-known artist, back in the spotlight, while young people (from 12 years old) squat the museum with a lightpainting workshop and the backstage of the Louvre- Lens is revealed through musical and offbeat visits. Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. offbeat visit. Saturday, 2:30 p.m., Squatte le musée workshop, at 4 p.m., conference, at 8 p.m., concert. louvrelens.fr and aeronef.fr



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