The price difference is widening between fixed and variable energy contracts

The price difference is widening between fixed and variable energy contracts
The price difference is widening between fixed and variable energy contracts

LGas and electricity prices fell in October compared to the previous month, according to data published Monday by the federal energy regulator Creg. This therefore invites consumers to compare their contracts with current offers. A variable contract may prove to be the most attractive option.

Energy suppliers offer two types of contract: a fixed one which blocks prices for a certain period (generally one year) and a variable one with which the price is adapted monthly or quarterly according to changes in market prices.

Creg compared suppliers’ offers in October and noted a general drop in prices, but this trend appears to be more significant for variable contracts than for fixed contracts.

“The cheapest fixed contract for gas is 37% more expensive than the cheapest variable contract,” indicated Laurent Jacquet, director of Creg. “In previous months, this difference was 20%. For electricity, we see a difference of 30% between fixed and variable.” Laurent Jacquet therefore invites consumers to check their current contracts. If these are not among the cheapest on the market, it may be interesting to switch to variable formulas.

According to the federal regulator, the share of fixed contracts has continued to increase since the energy price crisis in 2022 while suppliers have practically stopped offering such formulas for a certain time. Between 25 and 30% of households currently have a fixed contract. Creg further notes that no significant increase in prices is expected in the short term.



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