Closure of the A13. Yvelines motorists exasperated: “We are going crazy”

Closure of the A13. Yvelines motorists exasperated: “We are going crazy”
Closure of the A13. Yvelines motorists exasperated: “We are going crazy”


Florie Cedolin

Published on

May 24, 2024 at 6:16 a.m.

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” A hell “. “At the end.” “We are going crazy”… So many expressions that are on the lips of motorists in Yvelines accustomed to taking the A13 motorway to go to work. Since April 18, 2024 and the closure of the axis between Vaucresson and Saint-Cloud, these motorists have had to take other roads, sometimes paid ones such as the A14, to reach the capital.

And the reopening of a lane on the A13 towards Paris seems to create more problems what solutions.

Travel time doubled

For many motorists, commuting time has doubled in the last month.

“50 minutes to go to work in the morning instead of 35 and 2 hours in the evening to return instead of 40 minutes. »

Johann, user of the A13

2 hours to do 25 km », summarizes Abba. Sofia estimates her daily commute lengthened by 45 minutes. “The icing on the cake was Monday May 13 in the evening with the accident truck on the N12 towards Versailles: 5 hours to return. Looking forward to the reopening of the A13 and the end of the Olympics! », she adds.

Karine, resident of Plaisir, leaves 45 minutes early, often with detours offered by Waze. As for Stéphanie, who travels from Plaisir to Boulogne, she leaves at 6 a.m. “to avoid traffic jams” and takes the A14 in the evening. “It takes me more than an hour and I get home at 8 p.m. »

Even while working in staggered hours, Corinne, resident of Plaisir, says she also experiences an increase in travel time. It is often in the evening when returning home that the traffic jams are the most severe, as Frédéric points out, whose journey time is doubled.

Sylvie, she has a good tried public transport, instead of the car. But the lack of evening offerings made him give up. But “I never get home before 8:30 p.m.,” she explains.

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A14 toll

Beyond the time lost, for many, the A14 toll bill is hard to swallow. “The days follow one another and are the same,” testifies Lolo. Being from Plaisir, I have to leave before 7 a.m. and take the A14 at Poissy to arrive at Neuilly-sur-Seine in less than 2 hours. The SANEF bill for the month of May will be painful. They will put it full pockets ! Fed up with filling the boxes. »

Aurélie summarizes the situation of many Yvelinois as follows:

“We leave earlier, we come back later… We’re preparing for the Olympics. »

Aurélie, Yvelinoise

The inhabitants of Hauts-de-Seine also impacted

But it’s not just the people of Yvelin who are affected. Laura, a resident of Vaucresson, testifies to the horns all day long and the impact on her journeys: “I work in Meudon and I take the descent from Sèvres to go to work. Before, it took me 20 minutes compared to 1 hour currently. I wanted to take the Saint-Cloud park to save time, but it recently went from €5.50 to €7. To take twice a day it is impossible. »

A temporary solution?

Valérie perhaps has a solution to reduce traffic jams: “Why not open the integration route which exists parallel to rue Laval at the exit of the Saint-Cloud bridge? This would allow users of the A13 to not have to cross Garches and Vaucresson. »

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