Military planes flying over the Marne at low altitude do not disrupt Vatry airport

Military planes flying over the Marne at low altitude do not disrupt Vatry airport
Military planes flying over the Marne at low altitude do not disrupt Vatry airport

Since the start of the week, those who have their heads in the Marne clouds have not been able to miss the passage of these planes flying at low altitude. A situation which is enough to question more than one resident of the department. However, if some people are asking questions, there is no cause for alarm.

These planes are those participating in the “Storm Tide” exercise led by the Belgian army with no less than 900 Belgian soldiers from the land, air and medical component. “ This is normal, the flights are lower depending on whether it is a visual or instrument approach. There is nothing special », explains Fabrice Pauquet, director of Vatry airport.

“The objective for the military is to integrate into the traditional operation of an airport. The activity of the site is not disrupted in any way »

Fabrice Pauquet

The objective is to evacuate fellow citizens from a crisis zone. “ It’s an exercise they do every year.begins Fabrice Pauquet. For the military, the goal is to train in the evacuation of nationals and to arrive at a traditional airport in more realistic conditions. » Around twenty flights are carried out daily by the military. In total, 1,500 extras are also mobilized, as well as an important material device.

This exercise did not require any particular adaptation on the part of the airport. “ The security system is the same as usual. There are no privileges given to the army. The objective for the military is to integrate into the traditional operation of an airport so that, in the event of a problem, they can intervene in traffic without disturbing traditional operations. The activity of the site is not disrupted in any way », assures the director, who arrived a few months ago.

Cargo flights are therefore maintained during this full-scale exercise. “ It’s a mastered exercise. », concludes Fabrice Pauquet. The operation ends this Friday, May 24.




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