“The whole house was invaded. It happened very quickly”

“The whole house was invaded. It happened very quickly”
“The whole house was invaded. It happened very quickly”

Thunderstorms caused mudslides in several communes of the Somme on the night of May 21, 2024. Around forty houses were affected and the damage was mainly material. Pumping operations began to secure homes.

We were having dinner. The mud started coming into the house. The planters lifted and shattered a bay window. There was a torrent and the flooring came loose, the furniture fell apart.“, describes shocked Amandine Penet, a resident of Sailly-Laurette. On the evening of May 21, 2024, violent storms caused mudslides in several communes of the Somme. Five villages were affected: Morlancourt, Sailly-Laurette, Bray- sur-Somme, Neuville-lès-Bray and Cerisy In total, nearly forty houses were affected and several public road surfaces were torn off.

It is in Sailly Laurette that the damage is most impressive. Some homes were invaded by 60 cm of mud. What surprised residents was how quickly they were flooded. “Suddenly, there was pressure at my front door and the mud came in but I didn’t have time to react. The whole house was invaded. It was very quick. Within 30 minutes I think it started to rise“, says Stéphanie Grévin while sweeping to remove the water.

These phenomena are recurring more and more quickly

The 24 residents affected by these floods were directed to the community hall for safety. During the night, several of them were able to return to their homes. Betina Defretin, mayor of the town of Sailly-Laurette, stayed with the victims for part of the night. “They are shocked“, she explains.

Across the affected area, 80 firefighters were mobilized. “These phenomena are not surprising but they are recurring more and more quickly. It’s impressive ! “, indicates Lionel Tabary, fire site manager.

This morning of May 22, 2024, pumping operations began in the five municipalities concerned. Agents from the roads department of the Somme departmental council are also at work. They clean the roads to make them accessible to traffic as soon as possible.




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