VIDEO – Impressive mudslides in the Somme after storms

VIDEO – Impressive mudslides in the Somme after storms
VIDEO – Impressive mudslides in the Somme after storms

Torrential rains have fallen in recent hours in the north of France, and in particular the Somme department.

Occasionally, this precipitation caused mudslides.

A handful of residents were evacuated from their homes.

Powerful storms continue to rage across France. In recent hours, torrential rains have hit the north of the territory, starting with the Somme department, a time placed on yellow alert by Météo France. This precipitation caused local flooding and even mudslides. “Flooding in progress in the town of Sailly Laurette. Please avoid the area so as not to hinder the progress of emergency services”, for example warned the Somme prefecture on Tuesday evening. A handful of residents were evacuated and the town’s village hall was opened for the occasion, reports France Blue. No people were injured.

Other municipalities in the area were affected, such as Morlancourt. “A thunderstorm important hit the village. It was not so much the precipitation, but the speed at which it fell that caused the problems. It rained 20 millimeters in a very short time.”details the mayor of this village of some 350 souls, Michel Destombes. “And Morlancourt is a basin, so when it rains like that, the fields drain, it flows like blood,” he adds, in the columns of Picard mail. “We will only be able to take stock tomorrow morning. There is a time lag between the moment when it stops raining and the moment when the water drops”concludes the councilor.

Several dozen firefighters were deployed in the surrounding area to ensure the safety of the premises.





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