Claude Grébil, resident of the East of the Somme, candidate for the European election

Claude Grébil, resident of the East of the Somme, candidate for the European election
Claude Grébil, resident of the East of the Somme, candidate for the European election

Claude Grébil, retiree living in Rouy-le-Grand, and Thierry Vandeplassche will be candidates in the European elections for the Animalist Party. They will be on the list led by Hélène Thouy. “I am very happy to see profiles like this joining our list. These are people who, something rare in politics, are sincerely and selflessly committed to the animal cause.” underlines Hélène Thouy.

“Animals are capable of feelings”

And Claude Grébil explains: “ I am a candidate for the European elections because I believe that it is essential to make the voices of animals heard and to defend them politically. Faced with all forms of mistreatment, whether towards pets, farm animals, wildlife, etc. It is time to understand that animals are capable of having feelings just like humans.

“Moving towards a better world”

For his part, Thierry Vandeplassche adds: “ No longer supporting the injustices done to animals, I quickly understood that the political field was the most effective vector for helping animals in the long term. I dreamed of a humanist Europe, now I hope also an animalist one. Correspondent of the Animalist Party, One Voice referent in the Somme, I want to change our society by denouncing the multiple mistreatments suffered by animals. I want to be a force for proposals to change mentalities and laws, to make people understand that respecting all sentient beings means moving towards a better world.

The Animal Party’s program will be structured around four strong demands: a livable land, a sustainable basket, a peaceful society and protected health.

Also read:

Claude Grébil defends the animal cause for the 5th district

Rouy-le-Grand: a little corner of paradise for fishermen.




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