In and its surrounding area, what happens to items lost on the bus?

In and its surrounding area, what happens to items lost on the bus?
In Laval and its surrounding area, what happens to items lost on the bus?

Lost objects, Urban Transport (Tul) finds them ” enormously “ in their buses crisscrossing the Laval area (Mayenne). But what happens to them?

At the downtown store

“The drivers take them back to the depot, then someone transfers them to the store in downtown Laval, explains Olivier Roux, marketing manager at Tul. So if you lose something, don’t hesitate to call them quickly. » Because the object is often kept “a few months. If it is not claimed, we give it to Emmaüs. »

Lots of bags and cards

These are “lots of bags and Tul subscription cards” which are found. “Tul cards, we can collect 15 per day! » More unusual, a driver has already found a stroller. “We also already had a young girl who left her laptop on a bus twice in a row, in two weeks. »

Espace Tul, 11, allée du Vieux-Saint-Louis, Laval, Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Tool info:
such. 02 43 53 00 00, Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.



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