The elected women of the Somme unite for more equality

The elected women of the Somme unite for more equality
The elected women of the Somme unite for more equality


Olivier Bacquet

Published on

May 20, 2024 at 5:41 p.m.

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“Elected Locales”, the first national network of elected women, is launching a branch of Network of Elected Women in the Somme departmentcarried by Anne Jouanjeandeputy mayor of Fontaine-sur-Somme and Ambassador for Local Elected Officials in the Somme

Created in 2012 by Julia Mouzon, bringing together more than 10,000 elected officials across France, Élues Locales aims toencourage the feminization of political life and to support all women who engage in local office. The launch of this local network in the Somme is part of this approach.

Ambassadors to support women in politics

This support is essential in an environment where women still face inequalities in terms of representation and access to positions of high responsibility.

The numbers are there: only 20% of mayors are womenthey are 38% deputies, 32% senators, 12% presidents of EPCI (communities of municipalities, in particular)…

To support women in politics, Élues Locales relies on a network of 65 dynamic ambassadors throughout France, who in turn bring together the elected representatives of their department.

Volunteers and committed, they represent, embody and carry high the colors of women in politics by supporting the elected representatives of their community.

Through rich and varied formats such as meetings, video-conferences, webinars, visits to institutions, networking dinners or working groups, the ambassadors ensure that mutual aid is cultivated and they report back to the team of Local Elected Officials. difficulties encountered in the field.

Videos: currently on -

A call to all elected women

The network of elected women in the Somme is led by Anne Jouanjean, a local elected official who also campaigns for each village to have a representative for domestic violence.

This network aims to promote exchange, sharing of good practices and solidarity between the elected women of the department.

It will be a place of exchange and support for elected women who wish to fully invest in their mandate and contribute to the development of their territory.

Anne Jouanjean, Locally Elected Ambassador of the Somme, invites all elected women in the department to join the local network.

“This network is a fantastic tool to promote the visibility of women in politics and to support elected women in their mandate,” she proclaims. I am proud to support this network in the Somme and I hope that many of us will make it grow and make it a real lever for gender equality in our department. »

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