Due to “low-mast” consumption of oysters, Channel businesses are in the red

Due to “low-mast” consumption of oysters, Channel businesses are in the red
Due to “low-mast” consumption of Normandy oysters, Channel businesses are in the red


Sebastien Lucot

Published on

Oct. 16 2024 at 7:08 am

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The Regional Shellfish Culture Committee (CRC) of Normandie did a worrying observation in recent months.

The oyster consumption fell by “20% to 30%” in a decline linked to the fall in purchasing power and the recurrence of pollution phenomenaparticularly during last end of year celebrations.

Pollution and purchasing power

In , 9,000 tonnes are consumed each year (85,000 in France), for 20,000 to 25,000 tonnes produced depending on the year. And this year, 5,000 to 6,000 tons were lost, lack of buyers.

The consumption“at half mast” according to Thierry Hélie, president of the Normandy CRC, is a reflection of the economic crisis that France is going through – “the sale of ham has fallen, we have not done better” – despite the promotion of the region’s flagship product, the oyster.

“After the recent episodes of pollution, the unknown this year lies in the confidence of the occasional consumer, that of Noël », he assures, recalling the need to carry out surveys on the origins of these episodessuch as that of the norovirus having contaminated certain areas in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue and Grandcamp-Maisy ().

If a wastewater treatment plant pollutes, it is the one that must close. Not us. Furthermore, no producer was compensated.

Thierry Hélie, president of the Normandy CRC

1 euro per kg

This drop in consumption brings with it the average selling price of shellfish. It thus went from 3 euros to 1 euro per kg in a year and a half, a drop “with no real consequence for the consumer’s price. »

Result, several companies are currently in difficulty“one or two are even in judicial recovery in the Channel,” explains Thierry Hélie.

We also lose the confidence of the banks, it’s a vicious circle.

Thierry Hélie, president of the Normandy CRC

The Norman oyster industry – which represents 300 to 350 concessions in the region and 2,500 direct jobs as well as more than 1,300 seasonal workers – is therefore counting on consumers during the end-of-year holiday period to turn things around.

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