what to remember about the tourist season in – News

what to remember about the tourist season in – News
what to remember about the tourist season in Gard – News

From April to September, according to figures communicated by tourism, the department recorded a 3% increase in overnight stays compared to 2023. Foreign customers were more numerous than usual. Due to a drop in purchasing power, the catering sector has, on the other hand, suffered.

“The start was difficult due to unpredictable weather in April, but the season was rather satisfactory. » No triumphalism but measured optimism for Pascale Fortunat-Deschamps, departmental councilor and president of Gard tourism at the time of taking stock of the tourist season in the department.

From April to September, overnight stays are up slightly compared to the 2023 season. However, the contained purchasing power has led to tourists saving on some activities and catering. With an estimated turnover of 1.3 billion euros, tourism remains one of the three pillars of the Gard economy.

21 million nights

This year, from April to September, 21,130,000 overnight stays were recorded in Gard, almost half of which (10,967,000) during the high season, that is to say in July and August. “It’s an increase of 3%,” says the president of Gard tourism, which also reveals an increase of 6% in foreign customers. To these 21 million nights, we should add nearly two million nights spent in Gard by Gardois, proving the significant share of tourism that professionals call infra-departmental.

A complicated pre-season in April

The start of the season, in April, was difficult for the Gard professionals. “We recorded a drop in overnight stays of 11%. This decline concerns both French and foreign customers”underlines Pascale Fortunat-Deschamps who cites as the main reason the inclement weather over the Easter weekend in particular.

This year, it was in May that the season really launched, with a 10% increase in overnight stays in this month alone compared to 2023. The Ascension long weekend, with two public holidays on Wednesday 8 and Thursday, May 9, resulted in a 48% increase in overnight stays compared to last year.

In June, the situation was stable. In July and August, the volume of overnight stays was 4% higher than in 2023. “Over these two months we noted an increase in Parisian customers, probably due to the departure of Parisians from home during the Olympics. Conversely, we noted a drop in American customers who, conversely, preferred the Olympics. says the president of Gard tourism.

A strong increase expected for December

If the month of September was stable, Gard tourism announces a drop in overnight stays of 4% in October and forecasts an increase of the same order in November and, based on reservations already recorded, an increase of 10% in December.

Germany in the lead

It is the Germans who have the most foreign overnight stays in the Gard with 29% of the 8,173,000 overnight stays. This year they have overtaken the Dutch (23%). On the third step of the podium: the Belgians (22%). Followed by the Swiss (14%) and the Spanish (11%). More and more of them are coming to visit the Gard.

In the top 5 French departments with the most overnight stays in the department, it is… Gard which is in the lead with 37%, ahead of Bouches-du-Rhône (17%), Hérault (16%), the Rhône (16%) and (14%).

By destination, it is Nîmes and the Pont-du-Gard sector which records the most overnight stays, almost 6 million. This is an increase of 2% compared to 2023. The Provençal sector and the Cévennes are also increasing (1%). On the other hand, this year we observed a drop of 7% on the seaside and 2% in the Camargue.

Explanation from Pascale Fortunat-Deschamps: “The Mediterranean coast was the most affected due to a reduction in French visitors who shifted to the seasonal wings. The unpredictable weather and the trend towards shorter stays have also affected this region. This reduction has a significant impact, because 83% of attendance at this destination comes from French customers, compared to an average of 62% at the departmental level. »

Restoration in arrears

“55% of professionals are satisfied with the season”, says Pascale Fortunat-Deschamps. This satisfaction, however, hides disparities. The restoration suffered this year. The level of activity in the sector was judged to be declining by 57% of professionals. The decline in purchasing power is the main explanation.

Another sector of activity suffering this season, sports and leisure tourism with, among professionals, a decline of 50% compared to last year.

Frédéric Prades



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