Four axes for a profound transformation of the country

Four axes for a profound transformation of the country
Four axes for a profound transformation of the country
1. Governance and Pan-African engagement
The first pillar of this plan is based on strengthening the rule of law and public institutions. Fighting corruption and promoting transparency are absolute priorities for the new authorities, who aim to make Senegal a model of good governance on the African continent. More transparent governance is seen as the key to creating a stable and attractive political environment for investments.

2. Land use planning and sustainable development
One of the major challenges of the “Senegal 2050” plan is to rethink land use planning by promoting balanced development. The government intends to structure the country around eight regional centers, in order to better distribute infrastructure and resources. At the same time, sustainable management of the environment and ecosystems is at the heart of this strategy, with initiatives aimed at protecting natural resources while modernizing infrastructure.

3. Human capital and social justice
Investment in education, health and professional training constitutes the third axis of this long-term vision. The government wishes to create a more equitable society where each citizen, whatever their social or geographical origins, will have the means to actively contribute to the development of the country. This component aims to strengthen social justice, by guaranteeing equitable access to essential public services, particularly in the health and education sectors.

4. Competitive economy and job creation
The fourth and final pillar focuses on creating a competitive, diversified and resilient economy. The government wants to develop a strong national private sector, capable of generating quality jobs and supporting sustainable economic growth. Industrialization, agricultural transformation and technological innovation will be the drivers of this new economy, designed to attract investment while guaranteeing the country’s food self-sufficiency.

According to the head of government, this strategic document marks a break with previous development policies often criticized for their lack of long-term vision. “Senegal 2050” embodies a strong ambition to rebuild the country on solid foundations, by placing transparency, inclusiveness and sustainability at the heart of the transformation, according to him.




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