two houses hit by the sugar beet in Guerbigny had to be demolished

two houses hit by the sugar beet in Guerbigny had to be demolished
two houses hit by the sugar beet in Guerbigny had to be demolished

The accident had a great impact. On January 27, in the crossing of Guerbigny (280 inhabitants), rue de la Chaussée (RD 329), a truck loaded with tons of beets collided, at the end of the morning, after leaving the road, with several homes: it he was immobilized, tilted, against the facades of two houses in particular.
Three houses, all with one floor, had since then been very weakened.

The houses will be rebuilt

Two of them were demolished: a tire excavator, equipped with a sorting clamp, was working this Thursday, May 16, in the morning, when we came. The work began on Monday May 6 and is expected to continue until Tuesday May 21 or Wednesday May 22. The two homes were invaded by 18 tonnes of beets thrown during the accident. The houses will be rebuilt. The third house should be rehabilitated.

Jean-Marc and Annie Babaut, victims: “We will come back to live in Guerbigny”

Victims, Jean-Marc and Annie Babaut, 69 and 74 years old respectively, who have currently lived in Montdidier since the end of March, explain: “ We watched the demolition of our house for three days. It was very difficult, because there are a lot of experiences and memories linked to this house. Our hearts are torn out. Demolition and reconstruction are covered by insurance. When our house is rebuilt, we will come back to live in Guergbny. »

Maryline Desprez, mayor of Guerbigny: “The owners of the demolished houses, who fear another accident with a beet plantation, would like their future home to be further back from the road, but it is not certain that this is possible”

Also contacted by us, Maryline Desprez, mayor of Guerbigny, indicates: “ Two houses had to be demolished because they were very fragile. A third house will be repaired. The experts considered that it was possible, even if it is true that the house appears fragile. The owners of the demolished houses, who fear another accident with a beet grower, would like their future home to be further back from the road, but it is not certain that this is possible. »


