several thousand people demonstrated in Carhaix, in defense of Breton hospitals

Credit : Illustration Envato – DR

The demonstrators numbered 3,500 according to the Finistère prefecture and more than 10,000 according to the organizers.

Among the demands demonstrators: the resumption of deliveries at Guingamp hospital or again, the 24-hour reopening of the emergency room at Carhaix hospital. They are regulated every night for over a year due to lack of staff.

The defenders from the hospital, believe that the nighttime regulation of emergencies in Carhaix endangers the safety of thousands of residents of the territory.

Since summer 2023, patients are no longer expected to present spontaneously to the emergency room in the evening and at night, they are asked tocall in advance on the 15th, as is now the case in a growing number of hospitals in during at least part of the year.

Meeting scheduled for October 16

This demonstration, whose starting point was the hospital, aims to put pressure on the State “so that he keeps his promise”, namely, reopen Carhaix emergencies 7 days a week, 24 hours a day in the short term, without regulation.

And “crisis exit protocol” had been signed at the end of October 2023 between the prefecture, the Regional Health Agency, the -Carhaix University Hospital and local authorities.

A meeting between the signatories of the protocol is scheduled for October 16. I can’t imagine there being another decision that the reopening of emergencies in full function on Wednesday”, concluded Matthieu Guillemot, spokesperson for the Vigilance Committee of the Carhaix hospital.

The procession, took place without incident.



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