The Moselle lovers’ dictionary: TITS FROM OUR GARDEN

The Moselle lovers’ dictionary: TITS FROM OUR GARDEN
The Moselle lovers’ dictionary: TITS FROM OUR GARDEN

Every morning, Nicolas Turon pays tribute to his department with a funny, tender and knowing text, in the form of a declaration of love for the Moselle. He chooses an emblem belonging to history or current events and treats it in an offbeat way.

Many common species of birds inhabit our Moselle lands: the great tit which, thanks to its black tie and yellow shirt, comes chirping in our gardens always looking its best. The blackbird, a regular visitor to parks, the familiar robin , pot-bellied and leggy, who loves to come and steal a little glass of soil when we dig our vegetable garden. The magpie, a corvid with contrasting colors, which does not hesitate to remove young sparrows from their brood to feed its own. The chaffinch, a famous passerine which allowed Darwin to develop his theory on the evolution of the species, which is called “gay”, because of the intensity of its nuptial song, during the mating season. Not to mention the house sparrow, the wood pigeon, the blue tit, the Turkish dove or the oak jay…

But there is a species that is remarkable in every way, a species that only exists in discussions between neighbors: it is the titmouse “from our” garden.

Who is lucky enough to have a garden, to have a window overlooking this meadow, and to have placed a nest box there, knows the joy of following the serial of the nesting of blue bellies…




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