The Littoral Est Citizen Table launches a petition against the QSL company’s container terminal project

The Littoral Est Citizen Table launches a petition against the QSL company’s container terminal project
The Littoral Est Citizen Table launches a petition against the QSL company’s container terminal project

In a petition launched today, the Littoral Est Citizen Table asks the federal government not to give the QSL company the necessary authorizations, which would allow the export of hundreds of thousands of containers annually from vast lands located in end of Beauport Bay.

The community organization is concerned about the transit trucking that this project would generate, in a sector of the city already strongly affected by atmospheric pollution, with the presence, among other things, of an incinerator, a paper mill, and port facilities. and a highway.

« Pis there, we would add another layer,” denounces an activist and administrator, Anthony Cadoret.

However, the various reports in recent years demonstrate that the inhabitants of Limoilou breathe one of the airs most saturated with fine particles in Quebec.

“By adding pollution, it inevitably has impacts on human health. There are plenty of studies which say that we should not add additional pollution to Limoilou. So we oppose the project for that reason. »

One of the first struggles led by the Table was precisely that which contributed to aborting the Laurentia project of the port of Quebec, which planned a deep-water container terminal in this same sector of Beauport Bay.

“Three years later, they come to offer us a similar project, perhaps smaller, but it is still pollution that is added to the toxic soup of Limoilou. »

Still according to the organization, the establishment of a container terminal at Baie de Beauport would increase the need for road capacity in the sector and would also compromise the project to reconvert the Dufferin- highway into an urban boulevard.

A place for the Table

Furthermore, the organization will officially launch its popular mobilization campaign against the QSL company’s project, on October 22, at 6 p.m., at its new office located at 1750, avenue de Vitré (room 601), near the hospital. of the Child Jesus.

Founded in 2019, the Littoral Est Citizen Table’s mission is to improve living conditions in the districts of Maizerets, Vieux-Limoilou and Vieux-Moulin (Beauport). The organization became a duly constituted NPO in 2022.

Since December, the Secretariat for Autonomous Community Action and Social Initiatives (SACAIS), of the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity (MESS), has financed its mission. This allowed the hiring of a coordinator, Azélie Rocray. The latter will work in particular in the new office, where the meetings of the various volunteer committees will also be held.



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