Geneva hosts the Landscape and Garden Festival

Geneva hosts the Landscape and Garden Festival
Geneva hosts the Landscape and Garden Festival

La Grange Park, in Geneva, will host the Landscape and Garden Festival from May 24 to 26. Horticulturists, gardeners, landscapers, arborists, nurseries and even flower growers will present their activities to the public. Workshops, activities and visits are on the program.

Biodiversity in an urban park, the rose garden at La Grange Park, the Hyrcanian forest in the park and the history of the park are the themes that will be covered during these free visits. The number of places is limited, people who wish to take part must register online.

During the three days of the event, which is organized by the umbrella association Jardin Suisse, the competition for apprentice landscapers from French-speaking Switzerland will take place. The tests will consist of the complete development of a garden. Objective: to qualify for the SwissSkills Swiss Championship which will be held in the fall.

The previous edition of the Landscape and Garden Festival, which took place in Grangeneuve (FR) in 2022, attracted more than 5,000 visitors. The landscape professions bring together fifteen professions and have nearly 1,500 professionals in Geneva.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats



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