Uni Mail: a physical confrontation narrowly avoided

Tensions at Uni Mail: Group interrupts minute’s silence with Israeli flags

Published today at 4:35 p.m.

There were several hundred people observing a minute of silence for the victims of Gaza at the heart of Uni Mail when a group broke the silence, unfurled Israeli flags and shouted “Israel will win” in Hebrew. The most active members of the Uni Mail occupation then had to form a human barrier to avoid physical confrontation.

Extremely tense afternoon this Friday at the University of Geneva. While the dozen or so people displaying Israeli flags were able to be exfiltrated thanks to security, the occupants of Uni Mail chose this afternoon to demonstrate the scale of the movement.

After the call for mobilization, relayed in the morning on social networks, several student associations, but also a Jewish anti-colonial collective opposed to Israel’s policy and calling for “not to confuse anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism”, took turns at the microphone .

The rector did not come

Friday, before the altercation which ultimately lasted around ten minutes, the speeches and slogans continued for an hour with a main target: the rector Audrey Leuba. Because, contrary to what was announced by the occupants in the morning, the former law professor who had just taken office did not respond to the invitation of those who have occupied the premises since Tuesday.

The CEP-UniGE movement chose this Friday afternoon to demonstrate its scale. Several hundred people responded.

Why didn’t the rector make the trip? Our requests for an interview with Andrey Leuba on this issue, and those more generally related to the occupation of the building, resulted in a refusal.

It is the spokesperson for the University, Marco Cattaneo, who makes himself available to respond to the press. “The illicit occupation must stop,” he repeats ever more insistently. The right to demonstrate and freedom of expression are full and complete since students can occupy the space during opening hours. But nighttime occupation, when the building is closed, poses serious security problems.”

“Illicit” occupation

Does UNIGE intend to set an ultimatum to the occupation? “This cannot continue indefinitely,” replies Marco Cattaneo. This illicit occupation should not become an obstacle to dialogue.”

In this regard, the scientific council set up to address the demands of the CEP-UniGE began its work on Thursday. On Saturday, new discussions are on the agenda within this council of ten people which includes three representatives of the pro-Palestinian occupation movement. Thursday, the rector opened the first session, but she is not sitting there (a vice-rector, professors or another student are there).

What about this advice? The UNIGE spokesperson confirms that dialogue “is not simple”, but assures that the institution sincerely wishes to address the issues raised by the movement. This “in an academic approach”.


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Luca Di Stefano has been a journalist in the Geneva section since 2013. A graduate of the Academy of Journalism and Media (AJM), he covers legal news in particular. More informations @LucaDiStefano10

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