Moselle Numérique, created in 2015, operates and markets the fiber optic network deployed by the Moselle departmental council (CD 57) which provides access to Very High Speed (THD) internet access. The network set up by CD 57 today covers the fourteen communities of municipalities in the department and complements private initiatives in terms of THD by bringing fiber to areas that are less profitable for telecom operators due to low population density. or deployment difficulties. Building on its success with individuals in recent years, Moselle Numérique is now targeting businesses to meet growing connectivity needs even though 8,000 of them, located outside large cities, would suffer from a internet connection unsuitable for their needs in a context where the majority of actions require a reliable and efficient internet connection. In the department, the underassessment of connectivity needs by managers and IT managers of SMEs and ETIs therefore appears critical.
Diagnostic tools
To cope, Moselle Numérique, which does not offer service offers directly to businesses and professionals but rents its network to commercial operators present on the French market, launched an awareness campaign at the beginning of September aimed at directing businesses towards offers internet better adapted to their real needs and uses, in particular dedicated FTTE fiber (Fiber to the Enterprise).
As part of this awareness-raising action, specific tools have been developed: a dedicated web page, an eligibility test for companies for dedicated fiber but also a questionnaire allowing you to self-assess the risks for your company in two minutes in the event of a lack of internet access.