Ban on drinking water in several sections of Sainte-Rose

Ban on drinking water in several sections of Sainte-Rose
Ban on drinking water in several sections of Sainte-Rose

No precise information as to the nature of the pollution. The SMGEAG simply mentions “bacteriological contamination” of the water from the Solitude factory, in Sainte-Rose. It was on Monday that the ARS requested a ban on drinking water.

Bacteriological contamination was detected”at the sampling tap for the distribution of water produced by the Solitude plant”, indicates this Tuesday, May 7, 2024, the Joint Union for Water and Sanitation Management of Guadeloupe (SMGEAG). The date of this sampling is not specified in the operator’s press release, but it is said that the Regional Health Agency (ARS) recommended, as of yesterday, the dissemination to users of a ban on consuming the resource, in several sections of the town of Sainte-Rose, namely in Solitude, Desbonnes, Duzer, Vinty, Nogent, Comté and La Ramée.

In this context, “water must not be consumed for drinking, preparing food, brushing teeth… until the ARS lifts this ban.”completes the SMGEAG.

Until then, the union is carrying out rigorous investigations and re-control samples,”in order to ensure a return to normal as quickly as possible”, we learn.


