Hip-hop to merge classic and urban universes

Hip-hop to merge classic and urban universes
Hip-hop to merge classic and urban universes

In the foyer of the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices, the cellos and trombones have given way to a dance floor. At the opening of the concert by the OCG and the Valais rapper KT Gorique, a unique classic-urban fusion is proposed.

Unite the classical world and the urban universe with a battle between eight Hip-hop dancers accompanied by violins. The pairs face off against an eclectic juror bringing together a dancer, a rapper and a violinist.

For the Geneva Chamber Orchestra, this event, organized in collaboration with the Planète Rouge association, allows it to reach an audience not necessarily accustomed to classical concerts. The first to take advantage of this opening is the young rapper Farès, also a judge in the dance competition and who discovered the BFM. The young artist also performed during the jurors’ demonstration.

As in any competition there must be a winner. This time it’s the public who votes. And it is a Geneva dancer who leaves with the title and a masterful gift: the assurance of performing on stage with the Geneva Chamber Orchestra during a future evening.




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