what awaits and Île-de-

what awaits and Île-de-
what awaits Paris and Île-de-France



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Oct 1, 2024 at 11:22 a.m.

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Will Paris and Île-de- pass through the drops? While twelve departments of the country have been placed in vigilance yellow rain-flood by Météo France, the capital should be spared from this bad weather.

Also read: MAP. October 1 strike: the route of the demonstration in Paris

No rain but freshness

According to estimates from the meteorological institute, no rain is forecast for this Tuesday, October 1, 2024 in Paris but “of many clouds despite some rare clearings. The thermometer will display 17°C at 2 p.m. and 14°C at 8 p.m.

Dry weather which will not last: showers will appear in the morning, Wednesday October 2, 2024 and the sky will be “often cluttered with clouds” throughout the day. The air will be cool: expect 15°C at 2 p.m.

Same atmosphere for Thursday October 3, 2024. The weather will be cloudy until early afternoon when the sun will make a few appearances. The mercury will oscillate between 10°C and 15°C.

Friday October 4, 2024eve of the weekend, the sun will shine “generously”, announces Météo France. Temperatures will remain autumnal with 8°C at the coolest and 16°C at the hottest.

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