What to remember from the Pope’s visit to Belgium? “A very wide variety of situations”, for the spokesperson for the bishops of Belgium

End of the papal marathon in Belgium. After 4 days spent in the Flat Country, the Pope returned to Rome. What to remember from his visit?

The Pope in Belgium: it’s over! Arriving on Thursday, the Holy Father left for Rome this Sunday afternoon. Present on the set of RTL info 7 p.m., Tommy Scholtès, spokesperson for the bishops of Belgium, looked back on the moments that he considers significant during the pope’s visit.

A very wide variety of situations, very academic, very official situations, situations with the poor, boarders, the homeless, powerful encounters, strong words on all the realities of suffering. I think that everyone who wanted to follow understood that there was truly a burst of hope that was offered to the Belgians, to all those who live in Belgium in any case. This reality must be experienced in an extremely positive way.“, believes the spokesperson.

Despite an almost full King Baudouin stadium for the high Sunday mass, few people followed the pope’s convoy to Heysel. While several thousand people were expected, only 300 people flocked to see the pope. A disappointment that Tommy Scholtès qualifies.

Honestly, going to watch someone walk by, when we were only warned of this possibility a few days ago, and that we had to register, it still becomes very difficult. If I wanted to see the Pope pass by, I think I would still have preferred to watch the mass on television. We have the impression that we participate more in the event by participating for 2-3 hours in something than just seeing it pass and perhaps not seeing much of anything“, concludes the bishops’ spokesperson.

Pope Pope’s visit



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