Public debt: putting big companies to work? Moscovici says yes

Public debt: putting big companies to work? Moscovici says yes
Public debt: putting big companies to work? Moscovici says yes

Solving ’s budgetary equation is particularly perilous this year, when the public deficit is expected to exceed 6% of gross domestic product (GDP). As a result, the 2025 budget is the subject of all political attention and the newly appointed Barnier government is preparing to navigate between spending cuts and revenue increases to try to contain a slippage in the public deficit already announced.

In this context, the question of involving the wealthiest or large companies comes up again and again. According to theAFPPierre Moscovici declared himself in favor of “exceptional” tax increases for large companies next year in order to reduce the public deficit. Invited to react to a newspaper article The Worldthe first president of the Court of Auditors declared on the set of the show that, “ for companies that have benefited greatly from previous tax measures, exceptional measures can be considered ».

Read also : Michel Barnier judges the budgetary situation “very serious”, Pierre Moscovici warns of the deficit

The World states in his article that Michel Barnier’s government would consider introducing an “exceptional contribution” for large groups in the 2025 budget. He must make his copy public on October 9 for adoption of the text before the end of the year .

An additional recipe which receives the blessing of the former Minister of Economy and Finance under the presidency of François Hollande. “ Exceptional contributions are needed both for the deficit and to finance the ecological transition, which is vital in the face of global warming. “, he added. The first president of the Court of Auditors, on the other hand, opposed other projects which would be in the government’s drawers such as the abolition of state medical aid (AME) or the reestablishment of the wealth tax (ISF).

According to Pierre Moscovici, “the logic of the tax actions that must be taken is tax justice. We must avoid taxing working France, the middle classes, the working classes ».



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