SENEGAL-SOCIETE / Podor: young people invited to collaborate with those in charge of public security – Senegalese press agency

Podor, September 28 (APS – The prefect of Podor, Mactar Diop invited, on Saturday, the participants in a citizen camp, to collaborate with the people in charge of the security of people and their property, “by giving them, to time for good information”.

”I invite every citizen, particularly the participants in this (citizen) camp, to collaborate with the people responsible for ensuring the safety of people and their property by giving them good information on time,” he said. said.

The prefect spoke thus during the closing ceremony of a citizen camp organized, in Podor, for several young people, in the presence of the commander of the Place d’Armes of Podor, Mamadou Ndiaye.

This citizen camp, which lasted three days held at the Captain Abdou Karim Sy military camp in Podor, was placed under the theme: ”The return to citizenship in the community”.

The departmental executive urged the participants to share the knowledge and skills acquired during this gathering with their fellow citizens for “the interest of the nation”.

”The army, par excellence, is the symbol of respect for the values ​​of citizenship, the mixing of ethnic groups, religious beliefs,” declared Mactar Diop, inviting his fellow citizens to ”work for respect for laws and regulations ”.





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