a hunter killed by a bullet in the head during a wild boar hunt – Libération

a hunter killed by a bullet in the head during a wild boar hunt – Libération
a hunter killed by a bullet in the head during a wild boar hunt – Libération
Hunting under debatedossier

The forty-year-old was the victim of a stray bullet while he was taking part in a hunting trip, on the afternoon of Saturday September 29, in Bussy-Albieux, in Forez.

A 42-year-old hunter was killed by a stray bullet during a wild boar hunt in which he was participating on Saturday afternoon in Bussy-Albieux (), AFP learned from the gendarmerie.

The victim, a farmer from Pommiers-en-Forez (Loire), is “died instantly from a bullet to the head, without the perpetrator having yet been identified”they specified, adding that an investigation had been opened for “involuntary manslaughter” by the Saint-Etienne public prosecutor’s office.

The gendarmes used a helicopter to photograph the scene of the tragedy from the sky, placing each of the participants in the hunt in the place where they were when a series of shots caused the death of two wild boars and the farmer, according to the same source. All participants in the beatdown will be interviewed by investigators from Sunday, the gendarmes concluded.

By way of a press release, the Departmental Federation of Hunters of the Loire wanted “to demonstrate the consternation and sadness of the 9,000 hunters in the department”, reports the local site the Country. “My first thoughts, like those of all hunters in the department, go first and foremost to the family of the victim to whom we extend our sincere condolences. It’s an absolute tragedy,” added Gérard Aubret, president of the structure.

According to data from the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) relayed by Releasethe number of hunting accidents resulting in bodily injury has fallen by more than 42% in the space of two decades (97 victims reported in 2023) and the number of deaths has decreased by almost 80%. In the last two seasons, six people have died, all hunters.



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