SENEGAL-DEVELOPPEMENT-INITIATIVE / Bignona: a forum to change the face of Djibidione – Senegalese press agency

Djibidione, September 29 (APS) – A forum on the theme “Peace, reconciliation and sustainable development” was held on Saturday in Djibidione, with the aim of changing the face of this commune in the district. of Sindian (south), formerly the preserve of members of the movement of democratic forces of Casamance (MFDC), noted the APS.

This meeting, chaired by the Minister of Labor, Social Dialogue and Relations with Institutions, Yankhoba Diémé, and sponsored by Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko, aims to allow this martyred locality to turn the dark page of its history, according to the organizers.

The Ministers of Tourism, Mountaga Diao, of Industry and Commerce, Serigne Guèye Diop, of Sports, Youth and Culture, Khady Diène Gaye, of the Civil Service and Public Service Reform, Olivier Boucal, of the governor of the Ziguinchor region, Mor Talla Tine, attended this strong community mobilization.

Also present were administrative, religious, civil and military authorities, project and program managers, the president of the Casamance Executives, Pierre Atépa Goudiaby, and numerous guests.

”We are gathered here to celebrate not only peace, but also to strengthen our commitment to reconciliation and sustainable development of this beautiful region,” indicated the Minister of Labor, responsible for Relations with institutions. , who led the government delegation.

For Yankhoba Diémé, a native of Massara, a village in the commune of Djibidione ”Casamance has long been the scene of tensions and conflicts, but also the symbol of extraordinary resilience”.

”Today, we came together for reconciliation, with the firm desire to turn the page on years of violence, incomprehension, and division,” he said.

The reconciliation process is not simply a political act, but a deep commitment which consists of recreating bonds of trust, of understanding the pains and aspirations of the populations to rebuild together a future based on peace, underlined Yankhoba Diémé.

”Peace is our greatest treasure. Without it, there is no progress, no prosperity, no development. It is the foundation on which any strong and united society rests,” said the minister.

For him, in Djibidione, as throughout Casamance, peace is essential to guarantee each man, each woman and each child the security and stability necessary to prosper.

”This is why we must preserve it, maintain it and, above all, ensure that it is never threatened,” he recommended, recalling that the government of Senegal, under the impetus of the President of the Republic, is committed to an inclusive process to strengthen peace and stability in the region.

”This peace process is being built with ourselves, with local communities, in particular, traditional leaders, civil society organizations and political actors. Peace is only lasting when it is anchored in the hearts and minds of all,” argued Yankhoba Diémé

Today, believes the minister, ”more than ever, reconciliation is at the center of our action. To reconcile is to heal the wounds of the past. It is recognizing the suffering and injustices suffered, while being fixed on the principles of sincerity and frankness or ”Jub”, in Wolof.

”We must commit, together, to easing tensions and strengthening ties between communities,” he said, stressing that ”reconciliation requires forgiveness, but also justice, equity and inclusion of all.

This is why, assured the minister, the government is working tirelessly so that Casamance becomes a region where all Senegalese want to live and legitimately benefit from the fruits of growth.

The mayor of the commune of Djibidione, Lamine Diémé, magnified this commitment of the new state authorities.

Returning to the importance of the forum, he recalled that ”this initiative, born from the will of the citizens of the commune, erases decades of lethargy, of stoic behavior which borders on renunciation of the effort in combat, for resilience responsible”.

To achieve full development, people want to see the abandonment of illicit crops, protection of the environment, participatory citizenship, agricultural equipment and inputs, opening up of villages, support for displaced populations, reconstruction of villages, the equipment of health posts, etc., he pleaded.




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