Exclusive. Mehdi Ghezzar, who had called Morocco a “rogue state” soon appointed Senator by Abdelmadjid Tebboune despite all his controversies

Exclusive. Mehdi Ghezzar, who had called Morocco a “rogue state” soon appointed Senator by Abdelmadjid Tebboune despite all his controversies
Exclusive. Mehdi Ghezzar, who had called Morocco a “rogue state” soon appointed Senator by Abdelmadjid Tebboune despite all his controversies

Insulting, defaming and denigrating or slandering Morocco is a springboard for assured success for an Algerian personality who enters politics under the shadow of the Tebboune regime. And the case of Mehdi Ghezzar is a perfect and eloquent illustration of this. And for good reason, the name of the Algerian businessman established in , son of a former diplomat who was Algerian consul in , officially appears on the short list of personalities who will soon be appointed Senators, namely members of the Council of the Nation which is the equivalent of the Senate in Algeria, by Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Our sources assure that Mehdi Ghezzar is well positioned to find himself on the bench of the Algerian Senate within the framework of the presidential third, namely the quota of senators appointed and committed to the cause of the Head of State in Algeria. This appointment should take place by the end of 2024 unless a development causes its postponement, our sources certify. Senator of the presidential third is a function which normally falls to personalities whom the country or the President must reward for their “services rendered” to the Fatherland. However, aged 39, Mehdi Ghezzar has really not rendered any particular services to Algeria, with the exception of his unfailing commitment to the Tebboune clan and his assumed, even self-interested, activism in favor of the 2nd mandate of Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Mehdi Ghezzar launched into business in Paris, from 2013 through luxury interior decoration before finding himself at the head of a set of diversified companies operating in catering, automobiles and real estate. . Alongside his activities, he was also a columnist in the famous show “Les grandes bouches” broadcast on RMC after having known, in disturbing circumstances, the former owner of the BFM group, the Franco-Moroccan and Israeli Patrick Drahi.

In 2023, he is flirted with by the pro-Tebboune lobby in Paris and he is promised a good political career in Algeria if he commits to the 2nd term. He thus became a consultant for the international state television channel of the Algerian regime ALG24 and thus gradually adopted his anti-Moroccan theses.

On the set of the Algerian channel, Mehdi Ghezzar made comments on the conflict between Palestinian Hamas and Israel, before criticizing the policies of the Moroccan government. “The Moroccan people do not have the right to demonstrate their discontent, their solidarity with the people of Gaza, by royal decree,” he declared last Sunday.

Mehdi Ghezzar described Morocco as “a country that feeds on Zionist flies of continuous disinformation through social networks, the Internet, press units”, a “rogue state”. He falsely attributed Israeli nationality to the advisor to the King of Morocco, André Azoulay, and acquiesced when the Algerian presenter accused this advisor of promulgating decrees that prevent Moroccans from expressing themselves. At the end of August 2024, Mehdi Ghezzar launched on the set of ALG 24 in a violent hateful charge against Morocco which will thus guarantee him an unprecedented promotion promised by the summit of Algerian power.

“Morocco is often compared to the Thailand of Africa”, “They have no faith, no law”, “You want to rape a child, there are some. You want to buy drugs, there are some. You want prostitution, there is some. It is anything but a Muslim country”, these were the words of Mr. Mehdi Ghezzar which triggered a real media storm and a huge political controversy. But Tebboune applauds and appreciates the “verve” of the man who was unofficially his electoral campaign director in Paris during the presidential elections of September 7, 2024. The reward will not be long in coming since Mehdi Ghezzar will soon be designated Senator. Who says better.



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