Neighboring : Miss Rhône-Alpes is not from Greater Geneva

Miss Rhône-Alpes 2024 will not come from Greater Geneva

Bordering the HUG, Thononaise Oksana Fiammingo did not win the title on Saturday evening in Isère. The crown went to Alexcia Couly, originally from .

Posted today at 7:56 p.m.

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The Haut-Savoyarde Oksana Fiammingo, bordering Geneva, has not become Miss Rhône-Alpes 2024 at the end of the regional beauty contest, which took place on Saturday evening September 28, in Voiron in Isère.

It is Alexcia Couly who won the crown. Aged 22 and originally from Villeurbanne, near , this beautiful and tall brunette, 1.72 meters tall, is studying management and biotechnologies. It succeeds the Aindinoise Alizée BidautMiss Rhône-Alpes 2023.

Alexcia Couly will thus represent the border region during the national election of Miss France 2025, which will take place on December 14 at the Arena Futuroscope in Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, in the department (central west of France). The crown of Miss France is currently worn by the northerner Eve Gilles.

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In total, 18 young girls were in the running. Oksana Fiammingoresident of Thonon-les-Bains, in Chablais Haut-Savoyard, and employed at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) inasmuch as clinical study coordinator au Infectious Diseases Department – HIV Unitdidn’t even finish on the podium.

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Among the contenders for the regional crown from border departments in the canton of Geneva, only Aindinoise Grandmother-Marie Magnin ended up on the platform. The 23-year-old young woman, originally from Viriat and who was elected Miss Bresse 2024 last spring, obtains the title of 1re runner-up to Miss Rhône-Alpes 2024. She will thus be able to compete for the title of Miss Rhône-Alpes 2025.



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Fabrice Breithaupt is a journalist and editorial secretary. He deals with Franco-Swiss cross-border issues, but also real estate, employment and training. He has been a PR journalist since 1995 (radio, then written press).More info

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