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A fractured post office in -Atlantique, “an inventory is underway”

Saturday September 28, 2024, around 11 p.m., the postal agency located at Place Bon-Accueil in Derval was vandalized. An investigation is underway, it is being carried out by the community of gendarmerie brigades of Nozay.

Investigators will question the neighborhood and use video surveillance. | PHOTO PRESS ARCHIVES OCEAN – SOPHIE LE BRIS

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  • Investigators will question the neighborhood and use video surveillance. | PHOTO PRESS ARCHIVES OCEAN – SOPHIE LE BRIS

Around 11 p.m. Saturday September 28, the door of the Derval post office was broken into, possibly with a crowbar type object specifies Commander Julien Balitch, head of the Châteaubriant gendarmerie company. The criminals were able to enter the premises without being detected and leave without being worried.

The damage is being assessed

An inventory is underway to determine if any items have been stolen continues the commander. The damage is currently being assessed. Technical and scientific police operations were carried out in the post office, which is also a sorting center. A complaint should be filed quickly. The gendarmes of the Nozay brigade community will now focus on the neighborhood investigation and the use of video surveillance.



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