Tracked by a hunting crew, a deer takes refuge in front of the gendarmerie

Tracked by a hunting crew, a deer takes refuge in front of the gendarmerie
Tracked by a hunting crew, a deer takes refuge in front of the gendarmerie

This Saturday, September 28, around 10 a.m., an imposing deer hunted by a hunting crew found refuge in the direct vicinity of the Senlis gendarmerie (Oise). The animal, panting and with its tongue hanging out, narrowly escaped the pack which was pursuing it through the Pontarmé forest.

The incident, described as “the first of the season” by the AVA association (Abolissons la Vénerie Today) of Chantilly, took place after the animal had crossed the departmental road RD1017, a route very frequented by passers-by. As reported by Le Parisien, the association, alerted to the situation, recalls that the hunting season, open since September 15, will continue until March 31, 2025.

A hunt interrupted in an urban area

Cornered and looking for a way out, the deer continued its flight up the cycle path to the first houses, heading towards the hospital and the Senlis gendarmerie. Finally, the animal stopped in a parking lot, surrounded by onlookers while the police, who witnessed the scene, quickly secured the scene to protect the animal in distress.

Invigorated after a brief break, the deer resumed its journey, once again crossing the departmental road before returning to the forest, safe and sound. “The animal was not injured and was pardoned,” confirmed the gendarmerie.

Hunting rules respected

Bertrand Souplet, boatswain of the Rallye des Trois Forêts, who led the hunt, specified that the crew immediately stopped the chase as soon as the beast approached the urbanized area, in accordance with regulations. “Three dogs chased to the edge of the forest and were caught quickly as soon as I was informed,” he explained.

This incident recalls a similar event that occurred in February 2018 in Pont-Sainte-Maxence, where a deer took refuge in the streets of the city. The Rallye des Trois Forêts crew was then accused of illegal pursuit in an urban area, but the Court of Appeal ultimately ruled in November 2023 that the chasers had not broken the law.

A still lively debate around hunting with hounds

The AVA association, which campaigns for the abolition of hunting with hounds, did not fail to emphasize the dangerousness of such pursuits in areas frequented by the public. “This is the first incident of the season, but it could have ended badly,” said a spokesperson for the association.

Hunting with hounds, although governed by strict rules, continues to spark a passionate debate in . While defenders of this practice consider it an ancestral tradition, opponents, like the AVA, denounce a cruel and dangerous method for the animals and the inhabitants of the areas concerned.

The hunting season will continue until March 31, 2025, under the watchful eye of animal protection associations.



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