Île-de-: Sandy arrested for 49 car and bakery thefts

Île-de-: Sandy arrested for 49 car and bakery thefts
Île-de-France: Sandy arrested for 49 car and bakery thefts

After three months on the run, Sandy is now in trouble. This man, aged 34, was indicted on Friday in () for organized theft before being imprisoned. He is suspected of having participated in a series of vehicle thefts and bakery burglaries carried out in the provinces and the region.

On February 28, at 11:15 p.m., thieves threw a Ford Focus into the window of a bakery in Meulan-en-Yvelines. Two criminals break into the store’s two coin mechanisms and steal around 3,000 euros. Similar acts were committed the day before in Persan (Val-d’Oise). There around midnight, a Peugeot 206 is launched at another bakery for a loot of 2,000 euros.

Investigators from the Yvelines Territorial Crime Division (DCT) then carried out work on telephony and identified an offender from the Traveler community. “The man is known for similar acts in and abroad,” specifies a source close to the case. Investigations show that he is in league with a group of traveling thieves. The team made numerous trips targeting Italian cars, Alfa Romeo and Fiat, and businesses.

Arrested outside court

These men were active in Val-d’Oise, Yvelines, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-, Essonne, but also in Oise, Aisne, Pas-de-. , the North and the . In total, 21 car-ramming burglaries were committed against bakeries or other shops. The police also recorded 28 thefts of vehicles which could serve as “war cars” for these heists. The police identify two genetic fingerprints to support their case. In June, an operation allowed the arrests of two of the criminals, aged 19 and 25, in Guignes in Seine-et-Marne and in Jeumont in the North. One of them confesses and the other denies.

The third accomplice identified thanks to his genetic fingerprints is still missing. At the beginning of the week, officials learned that their fugitive suspect had just been placed in police custody in in Val-d’Oise for refusing to comply while driving an Alfa Romeo. On Wednesday, he was arrested outside the court. The suspect known for theft, refusal to comply and violence, was immediately placed in police custody in Viroflay in Yvelines. During the hearings, he denied outright, evading the DNA and telephone evidence, which seemed to overwhelm him in at least two series of thefts.



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