The fight turns into tragedy in , a young man succumbs to his injuries

The fight turns into tragedy in , a young man succumbs to his injuries
The fight turns into tragedy in Carcassonne, a young man succumbs to his injuries


Marie Lamarque

Published on

September 29, 2024 at 11:13 a.m.

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The fight turned into a tragedy in Aude, this Saturday September 28, 2024. According to information collected from a sourceToulouse Newsa fight broke out between several individuals on rue Charles-Fourier, near boulevard Paul-Sabatier. A man, aged approximately 25, was found seriously injured around 3:30 p.m. He died a few minutes later.

A 25-year-old man died

On site, the police found the victim seriously injured in the leg. A cardiac massage was performed before emergency services arrived.

Despite the rapid intervention of the firefighters, the young man was declared dead a few minutes later by the SAMU doctor. Information confirmed by the Aude firefighters, contacted by Toulouse News.

The alleged perpetrators on the run

Four people are believed to be involved in what appears to be a fight. According to the first elements, the alleged perpetrators pushed the victim to try to put him in the water, in the Aude which crosses the medieval city, without succeeding.

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They would also have been armed. The victim was allegedly hit in the head.

According to witnesses at the scene, the quartet then fled towards the station.

Actively sought

The four individuals are actively sought.

A representative of the prosecution and the scientific police went to the scene. Samples were taken. The victim’s body was examined by a forensic doctor. An autopsy will then be carried out as soon as possible to determine the exact causes of death.

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