Gnawa in the heart of Marrakech

Gnawa in the heart of Marrakech
Gnawa in the heart of Marrakech

My friend Mustapha Amal, one of the guardians of the Moroccan tourist journalistic temple, is happy to tell us about the creation of a space dedicated to gnawa in Marrakech. He talks about it like this: Moroccan cultural heritage is enriched with the opening of the Dar Gnawa Museum, an innovative initiative dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Gnawa culture. Gnawa culture will thus be highlighted through objects, musical instruments, costumes and works of art. The museum tells the history of the Gnawa, their spirituality and their rituals. It is a dive into a universe where music and spiritual traditions are inseparable. This Museum is the result of a collaboration between historians, ethnomusicologists and artists who worked together to give birth to this space of discovery. In addition to the permanent exhibitions, the museum offers an interactive and engaging experience. Visitors can attend musical performances, participate in dance workshops or even discover traditional instrument manufacturing techniques. Oussama Elasri, deputy director and curator of the museum, explains: “The Dar Gnawa Museum is more than just an exhibition space. We want to make it a place of meeting and transmission, where the richness and diversity of Gnawa culture are celebrated and shared. » The museum plans a series of varied activities throughout the year. Temporary exhibitions, conferences, film screenings and artist residencies are scheduled to celebrate all dimensions of Gnawa culture: music, dance, spirituality and crafts. This initiative is also part of a collaborative effort with the local community, particularly through partnerships with schools and cultural centers to raise awareness among young people of this unique heritage. The museum’s ambition is clear: to become an international reference for the study and promotion of Gnawa culture. With the imminent opening of its doors, the Dar Gnawa Museum is preparing to attract researchers, artists and amateurs from around the world, thus consolidating its role as a vector of cultural transmission.



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