UCI Bike City and Mobility Forum: Quebec hosts an important cycling congress in 2026

UCI Bike City and Mobility Forum: Quebec hosts an important cycling congress in 2026
UCI Bike City and Mobility Forum: Quebec hosts an important cycling congress in 2026

Zurich – In the fall of 2026, Quebec will be the first American city to host a major congress on active mobility organized by the powerful International Cycling Union (UCI). In addition to the anticipated economic benefits, Bruno Marchand pointed out that this choice has a symbolic value for the Municipality which makes the good health of its citizens a priority.

This is what the mayor of Quebec told the Journal on Saturday afternoon upon his arrival in Zurich, Switzerland, where the World Road Cycling Championships are currently being held.

For the annual UCI Bike City and Mobility Forum, which will therefore take place in Quebec in October 2026, 250 international participants – including experts and policy makers – are expected to be present.

The economic impact of the event is estimated at $2.7 million, said the mayor, specifying that the benefits have a broader scope.

On the map

“This event brings together different experts to discuss cycling, but cycling is just the excuse. We want to talk about ways to develop cities and allow safe active travel to promote the health of citizens. This is the first time that this congress, which is mainly European, has come to America. It is therefore the capacity to position Quebec on the map for future events. We are sending the message to the planet that there are themes that are dear to us, including sustainable health and active mobility. We want to take a leading position in the world,” he enthused.

Affirming that Cities can no longer be satisfied with only carrying out their classic missions, such as snow removal and emptying, Mayor Marchand reiterated his plea in favor of the involvement of the municipal sector in health.

“We are pumping billions into the health system trying to resolve emergencies, which is normal. But we want to offer our people the ability to be healthy and have less need to go to the hospital. Someone who travels by bike three times a week reduces their risk of cancer and stroke,” he said.

Change of branding

On the other hand, Bruno Marchand revealed that the City of Quebec intends to equip itself with a “new branding », in the coming weeks, to better illustrate the fact that the mobility issue is not limited to bicycles.

“We will come up with a new name in the coming weeks,” he said. It’s not cycle paths that we’re doing. These are not Vélo Cité corridors. What we are doing is active mobility axes which make it possible to correct accident-prone areas, improve the quality of life and reduce the impact of pollution in neighborhoods. »

The latter gave the example of the increase in the number of pedestrians on roads such as Chemin Sainte-Foy or on Boulevard Laurier since the development or upgrading of cycle paths in these sectors.

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A two-year mandate at the head of the OWHC

On Saturday afternoon, the mayor arrived in Zurich after having participated all week in Cordoba, Spain, at the congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC). Bruno Marchand was also re-elected by his peers at the head of this organization for a new two-year term. The latter saw it as a “mark of confidence”.

What would happen to this mandate at the OWHC which runs until the fall of 2026 if Mr. Marchand were not re-elected as mayor of Quebec next year? “They (the other mayors of the OWHC) did not ask themselves the question. I’m going there (in 2025) to win and I’m going to do everything. I am not going to behave like a loser,” argued the mayor of Quebec, recognizing that nothing is a foregone conclusion.



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