Works in Hauts-de-Seine: traffic potentially disrupted in

Since the start of 2024 and until 2025, major work has been carried out in the Hauts-de-Seine Department, at the gates of our territory. Large-scale actions that could impact your journeys for several months. We take stock.

Work was carried out on the Saint-Cloud bridge from July 15 to September 8. ©Ninety-two

This summer, during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, work was carried out on the Saint-Cloud bridge, which showed a deterioration in the waterproofing of the decks, expansion joints and pavement covering. These actions took place in several successive phases, between July 15 and September 8, 2024.

A long-term project carried out in coordination with the renovation of the waterproofing of the T2 tram tunnel, carried out by the RATP, in the immediate vicinity of the bridge.

Work on the Saint-Cloud tunnel until June 2025

Whilean aging of its original waterproofing, leading to infiltrations and corrosion of the materials making up the tunnel was detected by the RATP, the first consolidation works began during the year 2022. Currently, these are being realized with the resumption of waterproofing and repairing the tunnel from the exterior surface of its vault and from the interior.

The repair work on the Saint-Cloud tunnel having started in March 2024, it is expected to continue until June 2025. Although it has no impact on the operation of the T2 tramway, certain bus stops are deleted or postponed in order to guarantee better traffic flow, particularly coming from or heading to the Department of .

Renovation of the Sèvres bridge: work until February 2025

The renovation of the Sèvres bridge should be completed in February 2025. ©Quatrevingtdouze

The work linked to the Sèvres bridge consists of repairing the metal structure of the building, removing water inlets on the metal parts and creating new coverings for the roadway will take place over several months, between the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 These actions carried out by the Hauts-de-Seine Department could impact your daily journeys in Yvelines.

Until November 4, 2024:

  • One lane is closed to traffic in the Sèvres direction towards Boulogne-Billancourt.

From October 10, 2024 to February 28, 2025:

One lane will be closed to traffic in the Boulogne-Billancourt direction towards Sèvres;

In Boulogne-Billancourt, a lane of traffic on the RD1 under the Sèvres bridge will be closed. Thus, during these seven months of work, the Sèvres bridge will be inaccessible for 25 nights (between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.) to allow jacking and unjacking operations.

Some deviations put in place during this period:

  • In the Province – direction, users are invited to leave the RN118, exit 2 – Chaville / Sèvres / , to follow a detour route to reach the Billancourt bridge via Sèvres;
  • In the Paris – Province direction, users are invited to take the Billancourt bridge to reach Sèvres.

More information here.



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