VIDEO – Rafales, Patrouille de … The Air Base opens its doors to the public

Gusts dance in the sky above Air Base 125, this Saturday, September 28. It must be said that this is one of the rare moments when the Air Force base opens its doors to the general public! So for the occasion, air shows take place throughout the weekend and the Patrouille de is there.

50,000 visitors are expected during these open daysor 25,000 people per day. Among the registered visitors, there is Morgan, 10 years old, a true enthusiast of the Patrouille de France: “I love seeing them in the sky, what they do is incredible!” He is accompanied by his parents who are now used to doing air shows. “We got into the game and ultimately, we share a passion”comments with a smile the little boy’s mother who can’t wait to become a pilot.

Many spectators came with their families. Jean-Alain, for example, is there with his grandson, Maxence, 13 years old. They both share the same passion for the grandfather, “It’s great to be able to be there this weekend”.

Alongside the air shows, tours of the machines are offered and stands present the different professions of the Air Force, which has needs. “To get involved, you have to go to recruitment centers, the CIRFA, where they make you sign a contract”details General Jérôme Bellanger, Chief of Staff of the Air and Space Force, “either to go to to become a non-commissioned officer, depending on your level of studies, or by taking a competitive exam to go to the Air and Space School in Salon-de-Provence.”

Morgan, 10 years old, dreams of becoming a pilot with the Patrouille de France! © Radio France
Justine Leblond
Many devices opened their doors to the public during this weekend
Many devices opened their doors to the public during this weekend © Radio France
Justine Leblond
Jean-Alain, passionate about aviation, came accompanied by his son and grandson
Jean-Alain, passionate about aviation, came accompanied by his son and grandson © Radio France
Justine Leblond
Some families brought their chairs to wait between air shows
Some families brought their chairs to wait between air shows © Radio France
Justine Leblond
You had to be patient to board the machines
You had to be patient to board the machines © Radio France
Justine Leblond


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