SENEGAL-COLLECTIVITES-SAINISSEMENT / Motor pumps and fuel in the commune of Pikine to fight against flooding – Senegalese press agency

Pikine, September 27 (APS) – Mayor Pikine, Abdoulaye Timbo, on Friday handed over motor pumps and fuel to the 12 district municipalities of the city that he heads, to help them better fight against flooding in this part of the Dakar suburbs.

“We have all noticed the heavy rains that have fallen in recent days in the Dakar region, leading to flooding in certain neighborhoods. We therefore deemed it useful to contribute to the fight against these floods, by offering two motor pumps, accessories and fuel to each of the municipalities in the Pikine department,” explained the councilor.

Abdoulaye Timbo spoke during the handover of this material to the beneficiaries, during a ceremony organized in the premises of the Pikine town hall, in the presence of several mayors and local elected officials.

If certain district municipalities are affected by flooding, such as Thiaroye-sur-mer, Diamaguène Sicap-Mbao or Tivaoaune Diackso, “at the department level, there is a drop in flooded areas this year compared to past years”, he assured.

According to the report, the construction of several water drainage infrastructures has greatly contributed to reducing flooding in the Pikine department.

Mr. Timbo also indicated that he was working for an intercommunity in Pikine, which, he said, should make it possible to better pool the fighting forces of the different district municipalities of the city in the fight against floods.

The town of Pikine, in concert with the various municipalities that depend on them, is also working to acquire a fleet of hydro jetters in order to have more means of combating flooding.





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