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Murder of Philippine in : the family declines the financial assistance offered by Valérie Pécresse

Murder of Philippine in : the family declines the financial assistance offered by Valérie Pécresse
Murder of Philippine in Paris: the family declines the financial assistance offered by Valérie Pécresse

The Île-de- region will not contribute to the legal costs of Philippine’s family. The proposal, Thursday, from Valérie Pécresse was declined the same day by the relatives of the student found dead on Saturday in the de Boulogne in and whose funeral took place this Friday in (), it is indicated in the entourage of the president (LR) of the regional council, confirming information from Libération.

“The family contacted us again yesterday [jeudi] to tell us that the amount of the online prize pool launched by relatives had reached a sufficient level to cover everything,” a collaborator of the elected official told Le Parisien. Which announced this Friday in the permanent committee of the regional council that the region wanted to direct the envisaged aid towards an association. The amount should not be defined before the next standing committee, scheduled for November 15.

Aid paid to “The Sorority”?

According to our information, Valérie Pécresse and her team are considering granting this financial aid to “The Sorority”, an application which since 2020, throughout the world, has allowed women and gender minorities to launch a call for help within the community.

This tool made it possible to massively disseminate Philippine’s wanted notice, the day before her body was discovered. “Between our application, our social networks and emails, 300,000 people received the wanted notice. With the shares, we reached nearly a million Internet users,” the founder, Priscillia Routier-Trillard, detailed in Le Parisien. An approach which, according to people close to President Pécresse, would be part of the policy of helping victims in the region.



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