In -Atlantique, David offers to produce green energy at home using his solar kit

In -Atlantique, David offers to produce green energy at home using his solar kit
In Loire-Atlantique, David offers to produce green energy at home using his solar kit


Vincent Malboeuf

Published on

September 26, 2024 at 2:09 p.m.

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You plug it in like a cell phone or any other electrical device. We can fix it on the facade of the house or on the roof, or even simpler, place it in your garden, as long as it is well inclined towards the sun.

This product is a solar kit. More precisely a mobile photovoltaic panel which makes it possible to produce energy to reinject it into the house, and therefore to reduce electricity bills estimated at “€200 per year (and per panel)”, according to David Brin.

“A real alternative to solar on the roof”

The resident of Vallet (in the Vineyard), originally from Mouzillon with whom he remains attached through his football club, launched his business La boutique du kit solar last March, where he offers “a real alternative to solar on the roof”, “more accessible and easier to use”, ready to plug in anywhere.

Its price? €769 per panel of 550 watts, which measures 2.27 m by 1.13 m (the 2e on sale is 430 watts) and “97%” recyclable.

Roof solar remains expensive (around €15,000), people don’t necessarily have the budget and are afraid of being ripped off. There is a return on investment which is 10 years whereas with the kit, it is 4 years.

David Brin
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An agency in Basse-Goulaine in a few months

If this type of product can be found in large retailers or on the Internet, it wants to stand out by being “a physical contact” who can travel to clients in the region and neighboring departments (Vendée and Maine-et-) to advise, while waiting for the opening of its agency in Basse-Goulaine (near Nantes) by the end of the year.

Financially supported by a local investor who believes in his project, David offers solar kits “at attractive prices”, meeting the “most rigorous European, French and German electrical standards”.

The solar kit can be used in your garden. ©HSM

From swimming pool to solar

Before launching into solar energy, the 30-year-old man, bac + 5 graduate in marketing and commerce in sustainable development, worked at a swimming pool specialist in the sector, as a salesperson for 7 years.

Every other meeting, my clients asked themselves the question of how to consume less energy with their swimming pool, and there weren’t too many solutions. Apart from solar. It’s an energy that has always interested me and which must be a necessity.

David Brin

Hence his desire to create his own business.

Encouraging beginnings

THEThe beginnings are encouraging. The demand is real “both among individuals and professionals”.

David Brin was able to see this during the last Nantes fair in the spring, with 100 panels sold “even though the company was only two weeks old”.

“People can create their own green energy. For that, a piece of land is enough and it does not require a significant investment,” summarizes the young entrepreneur.

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