Maison Racine-Trudel: the Planning Commission authorizes demolition in Loretteville

Maison Racine-Trudel: the Planning Commission authorizes demolition in Loretteville
Maison Racine-Trudel: the Planning Commission authorizes demolition in Loretteville

The Quebec City Planning and Conservation Commission finally authorized the demolition of the Racine-Trudel house, one of the oldest buildings in the Loretteville district.

The decision fell during the public session of September 26, 2024.

“Following receipt of new information on the condition of the building, the CUCQ [Commission d’urbanisme et de conservation du Québec] has resolved to review its decision and approve the demolition of the building in order to secure the site as quickly as possible,” we can read in the press release from the City of Quebec.

The demolition committee considered the significant state of deterioration of the building.

“The foundations of the building are exposed and show signs of significant subsidence. Not to help, a drunk driver hit the building in April 2023,” explained a source.

Quebec specifies that heritage protection remains at the heart of the City’s concerns.

For his part, the owner of the premises had affirmed that carrying out the work would be dangerous for the workers.

The demolition date has not yet been determined.


Timeline of events

• February 22, 2024: A demolition request is filed by the owner

• March 28, 2024: The demolition committee refuses the request following a site visit by an engineer.

• May 7, 2024: The owner wishes to be heard by the Commission.

• September 12, 2024: A visit is carried out by the same engineer, five months later.

• September 26, 2024: The CUCQ approves the demolition of the building.



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