the Minister of the Economy makes terrible revelations

the Minister of the Economy makes terrible revelations
the Minister of the Economy makes terrible revelations

The Minister of the Economy, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice carried out this Thursday, September 26, a diagnosis of the reference situation of public finances. Facing the press, Abdourahmane Sarr, said that on the orders of the President of the Republic, the Ministry of Finance and Budget had appointed a team to supervise the general inspection of finances in order to prepare a report on the situation of public finances as of March 31, 2024.

The report on public finances revealed that Senegal’s public debt and budget deficit is higher than the deficit published by the outgoing authorities and communicated to our partners during the period 2019 – 2023.

The budget deficit was announced at 5.5% of GDP. But in reality, it was 10.4%.

Public debt was announced on average at 65.9% of GDP, but in reality it is 76.3% in the period 2019-2023. (the public debt announced at 13,000 billion CFA francs is in reality 15,000 billion, or nearly 83% of GDP).

There is an amount of 605 billion CFA in credits planned for 2024 and which was spent in 2023.

According to the Minister of the Economy, the report was established in application of “law 20212 – 22 of December 27, 2012 which transposed into our legal order the UEMOA directive on the transparency code on the management of public finance “.

The Prime Minister adds: “The outgoing authorities lied to the country, lied to partners by falsifying the figures to give an economic and financial image which had nothing to do with reality. “Amadou Ba and Moustapha Ba, former Ministers of Finance singled out. The Minister of Justice announces criminal proceedings.




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