Diro broadcasts the video to alert

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Two weeks ago, Sunday September 15, 2024, a car hit a vehicle in service of the Interdepartmental Roads Directorate West, on the RN 12 between Saint-Brieuc and . The Diro has just published the video of the accident on the internet, to warn of the lack of vigilance of certain motorists, which sometimes leads to tragedies.

The accident occurred on the RN12, near Pacé (Ille-et-Vilaine), Sunday September 15, 2024. | FACEBOOK DIRO SCREENSHOT

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  • The accident occurred on the RN12, near Pacé (Ille-et-Vilaine), Sunday September 15, 2024. | FACEBOOK DIRO SCREENSHOT

Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident, thanks to the coolness of the agent from the Western Roads Directorate (Diro). He intervened for wild boars wandering this Sunday morning, September 15, on the RN12 between Rennes and Saint-Brieuc, near Pacé.

“Despite good visibility and a speed limit of 90 km/h, a vehicle hit one of our vans in the middle of an intervention, explains Diro. The agent on site had the…



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