Meurthe-et- introduces a “youth income”, a first in

Meurthe-et- introduces a “youth income”, a first in
Meurthe-et-Moselle introduces a “youth income”, a first in France

This is a first in . Elected officials from Meurthe-et- voted in favor of experimenting with a “youth emancipation income” of €500. It will be reserved for people aged 16 to 25 with little or no income, and who are not eligible for other assistance. This test takes effect on 1er October and will last three years.

“We target those who are outside the system, a part of those who are unfortunately called dropouts”explained Chaynesse Khirouni, the PS president of the Departmental Council. She estimated in November 2023 that this would initially concern around 300 young people, mainly people in need. “family breakdown, in a situation of wandering or in a period of transition”. It must be “a lever, a support” for these young people, according to Lionel Adam, departmental advisor in charge of the project.

“Create a bond of trust”

The financial assistance, of €500 per month paid over two six-month periods, is accompanied by monitoring, “keystone of the system, which gives it its reason for being” for Lionel Adam.

The support will be “progressive” and organized over a first semester to “rmeet young people, create a bond of trust” and think of a project. The following six months will have to see the “concrete mobilization” of the beneficiary. A charter will be signed between the Department and the young person. The community must “listen and provide support for the steps taken by the young person” when the latter undertakes to “respect the values ​​of the Republic and its symbols” . In Meurthe-et-Moselle, “the poverty rate for young people under 30 is more than 26% and 14% of young people are neither in employment, education nor training”explained Lionel Adam.

One million euros dedicated

Anne Lassus (Union of the Right and Center) called for “be careful not to dry up the source” money, “a rare good”when the department’s finances are “at worst”which is why the group voted against.

The cost of the experiment should be one million euros for the start-up, Chaynesse Khirouni indicated in November. Nicolas Duvoux, president of the National Council for Policies to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion, welcomed during the session “exemplarity” of the Department in particular “in innovation, the conduct of social policies”.

The Department also launched an experiment with a “Zero Non-Recourse Territory” project to reach people who do not require access to the aid from which they could benefit, in particular.



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