A mini campsite could see the light of day in the north of -Atlantique

A mini campsite could see the light of day in the north of -Atlantique
A mini campsite could see the light of day in the north of Loire-Atlantique

During the municipal council meeting last June, elected officials approved the agreement relating to the transfer of the use and management of the Canal House and public spaces located in Pont-Miny.

The department of -Atlantique, owner of the property, wished to transfer the management of these spaces to the municipality of Fégréac in order to promote local tourist development and ensure the continuity of the municipal public domain. A transfer which also aims to maintain services to the public along the canal, particularly during the navigation period.


An approval of the service contract with the local public company Loire-Atlantique Développement to support the signing of a temporary occupancy agreement for the operation of the Pont-Miny accommodation and catering center was also voted on.

An opportunity for the municipality which can consider the future project of an atypical campsite in addition to the accommodation of the lodges and the Maison du canal (dormitory for pilgrim reception) whose proximity to access to toilets is an asset.


With a possible catering offer (breakfast), or even a reception for caravans (the tourism commission is looking into this possibility), the town hopes to promote the site which already has an undeniable charm in itself thanks to the future gentle path to the town, thus offering a new tourist perspective.

Reminder of 2024 rates for gîtes: €50 over the water (one night); €150 for a beautiful getaway (weekend), dormitory €17.



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