Maine-et-. The Department supports high-level athletes and launches a call for applications

Maine-et-. The Department supports high-level athletes and launches a call for applications
Maine-et-Loire. The Department supports high-level athletes and launches a call for applications

Unveiled in October 2022, the first version of Team Anjou was made up of twelve women and twelve men, with four athletes competing in Paralympic events. Fifteen sporting disciplines were represented, with a panel ranging from horse riding to table tennis, including break dancing! The Department of Maine-et- dedicates €80,000 each year to support the members of Team Anjou. Nicolas Touzaint and Matéo Bohéas, recent Olympic and Paralympic medalists (silver and bronze), were among the sports members of this collective. From 2025, a new team of athletes will make up Team Anjou, with the particularity of opening up to non-Olympic disciplines! “Joining Team Anjou means: Becoming an ambassador of the territory and wearing the colors of Anjou; Benefit from financial assistance; Access a medical, training and equipment offer”, specifies the departmental council.

Who can apply?

To apply, you must be registered in 2023 and/or 2024 on the list of high-level athletes established by the Ministry in charge of sports, in the elite, senior, emerging, hopeful or national collective categories. All selected athletes must: Have a link with Maine-et-Loire (place of birth, place of training, license in a club in the department, etc.); Not be supported by another Department; Be a volunteer to promote Anjou. Team Anjou is made up of confirmed athletes and champions in the making, with criteria
specific admissions for these two groups:
– Confirmed athletes: The prize list (minimum French champion or holder of a national title); The sporting objective (from very high national to international level).
– Champions in the making: The prize list; The sporting objective (very high level with international ambition); The school project adapted to ambitions.

Practical information: Call for applications until October 13, 2024. Analysis of applications and potential interview with the selection jury: from October to December 2024. Announcement of the final list of selected athletes: January 2025. To apply, download, complete and send the application file before October 13, 2024.
– By email: Contact the sports & educational actions department: Hugo Chevreux: [email protected] / Tel. : 06 79 25 24 51.
– By post: Department of Maine-et-Loire Sports & educational activities service CS 94104 49941 Cedex 9.
Team Anjou application file to download by clicking on this link. Only complete files returned on time will be studied.



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